PapyrusUtil – Modders Scripting Utility Functions

Skyrim Mods |

PapyrusUtil – Modders Scripting Utility Functions

An SKSE plugin adding several new scripts with native functions that provide various conveniences related to data storage and other misc functions to the scripter/modder.

1. Description
SKSE plugin that allows you to save any amount of int, float, form and string values on any form or globally from papyrus scripts. Also supports lists of those data types. These values can be accessed from any mod allowing easy dynamic compatibility.

PapyrusUtil.psc – version check & variable initialized arrays.
StorageUtil.psc – store variables and lists of data on a form that can be pulled back out using the form and variable name as keys. See psc file for documentation.
JsonUtil.psc – similar to StorageUtil.psc but saves data to custom external .json files instead of forms, letting them be customizable out of game and stored independent of a users save file.
ActorUtil.psc – actor package override.
ObjectUtil.psc – animation replacement.
MiscUtil.psc – some misc commands.

2. Requirements
SKSE 1.7.3

3. Installing
Use mod manager or extract files manually.

4. Uninstalling
Remove the files you added in Installing step.

5. Updating
Just overwrite all files.

6. Compatibility & issues
Should be compatible with everything.

JsonUtil New Functions:

Added arbitrary path functions to allow custom JSON formatting
JsonInFolder(string folder) to get array of JSON files that exist in a given folder

MiscUtil New Function:

ScanCellNPCsByFaction() to search cell for actors within a given faction

PapyrusUtil New Function:

GetScriptVersion() to get current installed script version, which might differ from GetVersion()’s DLL value depending on user’s varied and/or bad mod installation.


Some fixes to JsonUtil file handling and missing values
Many other fixes I can’t specifically remember at the moment

Author: exiledviper meh321
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