
Skyrim Mods |


Give the role to weak Potions and poisons, which becomes unnecessary as the level goes up.
Concentrate potions and poisons in cooking pots, Add a recipe to upgrade.
To most potion, Add 3 stronger potions than the standard.
Use “Bone meal” as a secondary material when concentrating in cooking pot.
Using Tanning Rack,

Corrected the description of “Condense Recipe Note Wild Poison”.

Fixed an additional mistake.
Add “Condense Recipe Note Wild Poison”.

About PDCondense
Give the role to weak Potions and poisons, which becomes unnecessary as the level goes up.
Concentrate potions and poisons in cooking pots, Add a recipe to upgrade.
To most potion, Add 3 stronger potions than the standard.
Use “Bone meal” as a secondary material when concentrating in cooking pot.
Using Tanning Rack, add a recipe that can make “Bone meal” from various materials.

By using Smelter, add a recipe to upgrade soul gem.
Downgrading soul gem is also possible using Forge.
Add a recipe for black soul gem.

For detailed recipes, please see the recipe notes you can get from the bookshelf added to Temple of Kynareth.

It recommended the introduction of the MO or NMM.
Clean Save and New Game is not particularly necessary.

Dawnguard HearthFires Dragonborn

Author: puratinaD
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