Pendragon’s Dragon Aspect
Makes the Dragon Aspect shout act like a normal shout rather than a power, with some differing effects and a longer lasting buff time.
I didn’t really like the Dragon Aspect shout. Well, I liked it but I thought it could be executed better. Did I do that? No. I just made it more “dragon like”. However, I still prefer it. The shout can now be used multiple times a day. Each word of the shout has a 195 second cool down, and each effect lasts for 2 minutes. Any feedback is welcome. Do take note this is my first attempt at a mod.
To install the mod simply go into your skyrim directory and drop the .esp file in the data folder.
An example when installed with Steam would be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data
Dragon Aspect Arms:
“+55 armor rating, and power attacks do 55% more damage for 120 seconds. Slightly increases increases unarmed damage.”
25 Bonus Unarmed Damage
Armor/Attack Bonus (Dragon Aspect – Arms: DamageResist) Effect Changed to 55
Dragon Aspect Body
“For 120 seconds: power attacks do 55% more damage, increased armor, Ancient Dragonborn summoned if health below 50%, +60% resist fire & frost, increased regeneration, +125 Health.”
Armor/Attack Bonus (Dragon Aspect – Arms: DamageResist) Effect Changed to 55
40% Health & Stamina Regen
55% Magicka Regen
Dragon Aspect Head
“For 120 seconds: power attacks do 55% more damage, heavily increased armor, Ancient Dragonborn summoned if health below 50%, +60% resist fire & frost, increased regeneration, +125 Health, +100 unarmed damage.”
Armor/Attack Bonus (Dragon Aspect – Arms: DamageResist) Effect Changed to 75
50% Health Regen
55% Stamina
60% Magicka Regen