Pretty Combat Animations (PCA) – Spell Master (SPM)
Casting animations overhaul, This Mod will Replace vanilla skyrim staff and magic cast animations.
Vanilla skyrim cast animations is worst, So I decide to build a new cast set. It is large project, Skyrim cast set contain and base from many cast animations group. eg:(mag, magcast, mlh, staff(left hand) mrh, staffright(right hand, and more..) and each group contain at least 4 idle animations, eg”(“mag” walk fw, walk bw, run fw, run bw, “mlh” precharge, chargeloop, prepready, readyloop, release…) and some of their behavior is affecting each other between “magic cast, staff cast, 1hm weapon idles, karate, sneak and sneak1hm idle animations” as well. However, After long time, I find a position solution that make cast idle can be look better and more smooth compatible in different state even they are affecting each other, Now the base part is done,
There is all I can do for cast animations can get best and better, maybe you will see some thing still not good or you think it can be looks better, but before you complain that I need to let you know, some rules are fixed in the vanilla behavior system, As I say their nodes are affecting each other “between magic cast, staff cast, 1hm weapon idles, karate, sneak and sneak1hm idles.
For example, You have an idea that cast animations can looks how pretty good, But when casting spell in different state, eg: sneaking or running, Some of character body nodes will be driven by other parent nodes base on behavior setting, So no matter you how to rotate/twist it, even you already adjust the run or sneak idles to match the cast animations it will just always keep the vanilla coordinate.
2022 update:
Fortunatety, In past couple years, dar is come out, seems we can use it to defined when to play what animations with condition setup, it may help we solve some prolems/limitation for mag group.
PCA – Spell Master are using dar(Dynamic Animation Replacer) to setup animations play seniors, So DAR is required.(2022 updated)
Downlaod the main file, Install with NMM or Mo, Simple and quick.
There is also strongly recommended to use with my “Pretty Combat Animations” “Sneak” and “Sneak 1hm” animations, It is fully combatible with PCA-SPM and it looks pretty well when casting magic in sneak mode, You can check my preview video see how is it go.