Queering Skyrim – The Children Of Azura (LE Backport)
New lore books, letters, clutter, and a craftable necklace to establish background details for the existence of trans and genderqueer people and their various methods of transitioning within Tamriel (as confirmed as canonical in ESO).
LE Backport by terminetwork, leveled lists – no cell edit version.
I saw this mod a long time ago but couldn’t add it to my modlist because was SSE only, so i decided to backport it myself as i’m trying to learn mod development.
The mod is quite simple: it adds a bunch of books to read which brings some lore-friendly backstories around the daedra Azura and a new necklace wearable and craftable.
Note: I just copy pasted the texts of books, any spelling mistake was already part of the original. I intentionally ignored the CK spelling corrections.
Note2: This is the latest version, specifically the “leveled lists” one (which means it doesn’t touch any cells to avoid conflicts). I won’t port other versions.
IMPORTANT: Because this mod touches leveled lists you need to make a bashed patch, you can learn how to make one with this GamerPoets video.
Mod requires Skyrim.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfire.esm, DragonBorn.esm, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.
Making process and documentation
I rebuilt the esp from scratch using Tes5Edit: didn’t drag and drop, but created each record clean new and manually inserted the same data inside to preserve the correct Form 43 plugin.
Assets were backported using Cathedral Assets Optimizer (found on SSE page but works with any Bethesda game) which neatly repackaged the bsa.
Used the Creation Kit to edit the books text as Tes5Edit didn’t allow me to copy and paste.
Skyrim Creation Kit – Creating a custom book by LouisAT444 – Useful quick video about creating books.
Creation Kit (Book Formatting) by Darkfox127 – A good detailed video about Book Formatting in the CK.
Reddit post about backporting mods – Useful Information on the correct procedure to take in order to backport.
Cathedral Asset Optimizer – Tutorial by Gamerpoets to port mods from LE to SSE (used in reverse here).
Thank you Tathrin for the original mod, open permissions and the Leveld Lists version
Thank you redd, for the original pendant mod and the open permissions
Thanks Bethesda for the Creation Kit
Thanks to elMinsterAU for TES5Edit
Thanks to GamerPoets for the many great tutorials
Thanks to DarkFox127 for the many Creation Kit Tutorials, without him i wouldn’t even be able to make it work.
Thanks everyone for downloading the mod
You can find the original mod description here
(it’s quite a long read, chose not to copy it here)