Quick Light
Turn on a light when long press the Activation key(E key and A button) or Short press L key.
It can be operated like the pip-boy light in Fallout 4.
It is aimed to be quick, easy, simple.
Stable, almost no performance hit, compatible with almost mods.
Not use an equip slot.
The light has infinite duration.
No make a terrible face by the lantern light.
If you use the face light and face light+, auto turn off it for compatible. If you turn off the light, turns on the face light.
Skyrim 1.9.32
SKSE 1.7.3
SkyUI 3.1+
How to Use
You can quickly use it after installing.
There are two ways to turn on/off light.
Long press the activation key
You can turn on/off the light by long pressing the Skyrim’s Activation key.
The default activation key for Skyrim is:
Keyboard: E key
X BOX Pad: A button
It can not be turned on/off the light when player targets something on cross-hair.
You can change the long press time of the key.
Press Light key(L key)
Press Light key (Default:”L” key). It can be changed “Light key” in MCM.
Light key and activation keys(E, A button) are completely different. The light key cannot be set by long pressing.
It can be configured in the SkyUI MCM.
Type of Light Source
Choose one as a light source among lantern, magic, no effect.
Choose one as the brightness of a light source among normal, slightly bright, bright and wide.
Set light key
Sets key to turn on the light. It can be disabled it with Esc key.
Enable to Long press activation key
Enable to long press activation key for turn on the light.
Long press time for activate key
Set the long press time of activation key to turn on the light.
Activate Mod
Deactivate/activate this mod. Please turn off the light before deactivating.
Turn off the light. No need this process if version 2.0 – 2016 09.19.
Deactivate mod in the MCM.
Uninstall this mod.