RaceCompatibility – Dialog Changes
Changes (some) race checks in dialog to include (some) Custom Races.
RaceCompatibility – Dialog Edition
What is this?
This is an addon for RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard. It adds extra racial checks for Custom Races in the appropriate dialogs. So yes, RaceCompatibility is REQUIRED.
As usual, I was tired of being called “Outsider” or “Traveler” by fellow Nords. So, using my keen ability to steal reverse-engineer other mods features, I loaded up TES5Edit and searched for dialog checks. The before mentioned RaceCompatibility mod held the key.
How does this word? Elven Sorcery?
Of a sort. I’ll try not to get overly technical. Racial checks in dialog work by using conditions. What I have done is add additional checks in these conditions that use the ActorProxy Keywords added by RaceCompatibility.
This is why you NEED RaceCompatibility for this to work.
This mod was built with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. This is NOT REQUIRED to use this mod. But go get it anyway, if you haven’t. It does conflict, but I’ve made sure to add the changes to this mod. While not necessary for this mod to work, I highly recommend getting all the unofficial patches if you don’t already.
This mod will work with any Race mod built using RaceCompatibility and that uses those ActorProxy Keywords.
The aforementioned Races and what they should be treated as so far are:
The Ningheim (Nord)
The Ashen (Reportedly Breton)
The Lunari (Nord)
Epic Elves (Reportedly Breton)
The Ashen (Reportedly Breton)
Young Nord (Enhanced Character Edit) (Nord, duh)
The Temptress …es (Reportedly Nord)
The Dagi-Raht Reborn (Maybe kinda sorta Khajiit)
Custom Races (Each race has the appropriate keywords)
SkyKids (Sorry, no link. I’m not that crazy…)
(That’s a lot of Bretons and Nords, huh Ocatcon?)
(It’s a short list. If you use a race mod that fills that criteria, please let me know and I’ll add it.)
Load Order
I recommend putting this towards the bottom if you can. Just to be safe.
The only mods that change these specific dialogs are the unofficial patches, as far as I know.
Expired: For the original RaceCompatibility mod
TMPheonix: For the updated version of RaceCompatibility, and for steering me in the right direction
Me: For actually doing this after several people complained about it
It may not look like it, but this is a lot of work. If you want to upload or share this elsewhere, ask me first. And be sure to credit Expired for the original RC mod, TMPheonix for the updated version and me for sifting through around 2,500 dialog topics and changing those checks.
What I’ve learned during the making of this mod:
Papyrus is a very delicate scripting engine.
Gamebryo is still as broken as ever.
Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty good.
Metroid: Other M killed the series.
The last racial check has to be an Equal to function. NO EXCEPTIONS! Except when it isn’t. (It’s complicated.)
Skyrims dialog system is broken.
The Metroid fanbase has very talented music-makers.
Ralof is one blind Nord. He NEVER recognizes my race, or any race actually.
Skyrims dialog system is broken.
The Construction Kit Wiki is surprisingly accurate.
The Day Stages of Sonic Unleashed are pretty awesome.
I apparently have more patience than I thought.
TVTropes is the most potent internet addiction ever.
Skyrims dialog system is really broken.
Everyone hates Nazeem. EVERYONE.
Arcadia will say anything to sell a potion.
Lydia does not like Serana… for some reason. Probably because Serana gets all the attention from my Dragonborn. Sorry, Lydia, but you aren’t voiced by Laura Bailey…
Skyrims dialog system is a broken, inconsistant mess. (To running gag levels…)