RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard
This package allows mod authors to make mods based on the RaceCompatibility.esm to work properly with Dawnguard. With optional compatibility for UFO, USKP/USLEEP, Better Vampires, Vampiric Thirst and Sacrosanct. Also fixes a bug in RaceCompatibility related to multiple custom races.
If you use this mod in your custom race mod, please let me know, so I can add a link on this page and because I love seeing your work.
[2023-04-25] Version 1.112: Updated to Better Vampires 8.8.
This package allows mod authors to make their custom races based on the RaceCompatibility.esm (please consider endorsing expired6978’s original mod, since without that we wouldn’t be able to play with all these custom races) to work properly with the Dawnguard DLC. As such mod authors should follow the instructions included with that mod to make their mod.
StackEmHigh has created a guide that you may find useful in creating a custom race as well.
Dawnguard changed several scripts involving vampirism and lycanthropy (werewolves) that meant custom races would not be able to fully benefit/experience the DLC. This mod merges the Dawnguard scripts with the Race Compatibility scripts.
The RaceCompatibility.esm file included in this package also fixes the missing WoodElf (Bosmer) race entry in the file and adds an optional compatibility script for the Unofficial Skyrim patch.
To install just overwrite the files from the RaceCompatibility mod with the files in this package; install the optional script if you are also using the USKP or USLEEP. To make your custom race fully compatible ensure that your vampire race has the “vampire” keyword, if you had not added that already. If you are using UFO as well an optional file as been added that merges the changes it makes with this mod.
=== NOTE ===
Note that because the esm file modifies a formlist from the original mod it may be necessary to start a fresh game to fully benefit from the changes unless they were already using a fixed version of this file (adding the WoodElfRace to the list); a fixed version for Skyrim without Dawnguard can be found under optional files of the Belua Sanguinare mod is included in this mod.
1. Follow the instructions on the RaceCompatibility.esm page to construct your race.
2. To make your mod Dawnguard compatible overwrite the vanilla scripts and RaceCompatibility.esm.
3. (OPTIONAL) To ensure UFO and/or USKP compatibility add the optional scripts as an optional install.
4. Optional Better vampires scripts are now included. Only use these if you are using Better Vampires.
If you wish to create a custom race mod that is both vanilla and DG compatible you will need to distribute both the vanilla scripts + RaceCompatibility.esm and the ones included in this mod. You could wrap this up in a fancy NMM script or just a set of instructions on how (and when) to replace the files.
Alternatively direct users to this mod and let them overwrite the files themselves.
– Vampirism Inverter (thinking about it)
If you are having trouble with your custom race vampire feeding even after installing the optional compatibility files, you may have to change your load order to ensure that Better Vampires is loaded AFTER your custom race files.
=== FAQ ===
Q: Is this mod compatible with EFF (Extensible Follower Framework)?
A: Yes, in fact the author of EFF is the same author as the original RaceCompatibility mod.
Q: I use USLEEP, but I only see an USKP patch.
A: The patch is compatible with both the old separate patches and the new combined USLEEP patch. Just use the USKP patch.