Rayeks End – Hideout
A small, detailed, atmospheric hideout off the beaten path between Riverwood and Whiterun. If you don’t mind getting your boots wet, the sound of waterfalls, and prefer a darker hidden place to kick up your feet and drop off your loot…this may be the home for you.
THANKS to all who have provided feedback, endorsed, kudo’d, screenshoted and put the hideout as a File of the Month in May 2012.
A small, detailed, atmospheric hideout off the beaten path between Riverwood and Whiterun. If you don’t mind getting your boots wet, the sound of waterfalls, and prefer a darker hidden place to kick up your feet and drop off your loot…this may be the home for you.
Should be lore friendly, ready for companions, full crafting and storage.
If anyone is familiar with my other mod Fallout 3 Mini Hideout. you may see some similarities, especially in style.
The hideout is very lighting specific so ENB mods or other lighting effects may make it too dark or flicker more.
Armor Workbench
Ore Smelter
Enchanting Table
Alchemy Table
Tanning Rack
Bed with Rested Bonus (3 sit markers on bed as well)
Labeled Storage (safe, no respawn)
Navmeshed with Idle Markers
3 Weapon Plaque Displays
2 Shield/Sword Plaque Displays
5 Weapon Racks
Rayek’s Blade (Nightingale clone w/ frost dmg)
Custom Bookcases (148 books)
Bath (seats 5)
Cooking Pot
Hidden Waterfall Entrance
Map Marker (fast travel)
Chopping Block and Wood Storage
Talos Shrine that cures disease
Unlimited Bookshelves compatible (make sure load order is correct)
COMPATIBLE with Riverside Lodge
Far left weapon rack at forge next to workbench will not let you pick up some weapons after you place it
Reports of incompatiblity with Dwemer Armory
Interferes with Scenic Carriages path between Riverwood and Whiterun
Causes discoloration on Falkreath Water for some