Read And Learn Speechcraft Speech

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Read And Learn Speechcraft Speech

Reading most of books increase Speech skill

Reading books now increase speech skill. Almost every book in the game is able to increase Speech skill progression towards next level twice. Reading book first time will increase Speech skill depending on players Speech skill level and represent greater increment. This increment will fall off in percentage as Speech level is close to 100 (but not too drastically) so player would need to read more books as skill level makes progress. Second reading will increase Speech skill progression for a small amount. At first, this second reading will have nice impact in comparison to the first reading on lower Speech levels, while later it will be barely noticeable on Speech level above 90. Third and every next reading of the book gives player nothing as nothing new to learn from the particular book.

Version 1.2 fixed visual of the text if speech skill is 100 and included extra files to work 100%
Version 1.1 makes Speech increases by certain percentage instead whole level
Old version 1.0 is still there for those who wish to increase entire Speech skill level per book.

Having speech skill ingame should be affected by the player if he read books i.e. person who reads more have better vocabulary and knowledge base for conversation. The only true leveling of speech is trough sales as there is not enough Persuade/Bribe options in game. Besides it is obvious that more literate people have better speech skills.

All books that have no skill increase (or script) mady by Bethesda and one of the following conditions:
Book is history lesson
Book is a story
Book is a poem
Book is a tale
Added to this list some scientific research books

Omitted books
Blank books
Bethesda skill books

It is very useful to have installed mod
Unread Books Glow by duggelz

It SHOULD work on Skyrim pre-Dawnguard version – haven’t tested this, I play it with Dawnguard.
I tried so hard to exclude tutorial books, guides and descriptive books. If I messed up some, please let me know.
This file will be available on Steam Workshop too (if I don’t get lazy and sync my files to the cloud)

Author: Dryblood
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