Remove Interior Fog V2
A mod that removes the distant interior vanilla fog with support for the DLCs.
This mod removes the interior distant fog in all interiors of the vanilla game, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, and is intended to replace the old Remove Ambient Interior Fog, that can be considered outdated and abandoned now after 10 months of inactivity. I saw a lot of people complaining about some remaining bugs and places not affected by the mod, so i decided to fix those issues and update that mod. Also, i saw that many people were asking for Dawnguard support, then i decided to give that support and more… Hearthfire support too! … and now Dragonborn!!!.
My goal with this mod was to stay faithful to the changes made in the Remove Ambient Interior Fog mod. This means that my mod uses the same values for the fog levels used in RAIF.
NOTE: This mod only removes the distant interior fog, it doesn’t remove the floating mist particles. If you want to remove those, use the mod Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover
NOTE 2: This mod is already cleaned with the latest build of TES5Edit to make it clean and avoid conflicts.
NOTE 3: If you play the game in Italian, please download the translation Remove Interior Fog V2 – Traduzione Italiana. Thanks to Lucasssvt!
Here you can see a brief description of the different versions available. Pay atention to make sure you will use the right version for your game.
This mod is composed by 4 modules and 2 Full Version modules: 1 for the vanilla game, 1 for Dawnguard, 1 for Hearthfire and 1 for Dragonborn. The Full Version is a module for people that have all the DLCs as it coves the vanilla game and the DLCs and the Full Version NH is for people that have all the DLCs except Hearthfire.
BASE MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – SKYRIM – That is the base module and it covers all vanilla interiors! Use this version if you dont have the DLCs or if you have only one of them!
DAWNGUARD MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – DAWNGUARD – That is the Dawnguard module and it covers all Dawnguard interiors! Use this version together with the base module if you have the Dawnguard DLC!
HEARTHFIRE MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – HEARTHFIRE – That is the Hearthfire module and it covers all Hearthfire interiors! Use this version together with the base module if you have the Hearthfire DLC!
DRAGONBORN MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – DRAGONBORN – That is the Dragonborn module and it covers all Dragonborn interiors! Use this version together with the base module if you have the Dragonborn DLC!
FULL VERSION MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – FULL VERSION – That is the Full Version module and it covers all Vanilla, Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn interiors! Use this version instead of the other modules if you have all the DLCs. DONT USE BOTH!!!
FULL VERSION NH MODULE REMOVE INTERIOR FOG V2 – FULL VERSION NH – That is the Full Version module without Hearthfire and it covers all Vanilla, Dawnguard and Dragonborn interiors! Use this version instead of the other modules if you have all the DLCs except Hearthfire. DONT USE BOTH!!!
NEW REALISTIC LIGHTING HEARTHFIRE PATCH HEARTHFIRE – RL PATCH – This is an optional patch for those who use the Realistic Lighting mod, that reduces the ambient lighting of Hearthfire houses to match the interior changes of the RL mod.
INSTALL: Just extract the .rar in your Skyrim main folder.
UNINSTALL: Delete the modules you used, in your SkyrimData folder.
LOAD ORDER: Open the Launcher, click on Data and put the modules below any lighting or lighting placement mod you are using.
If you use the separate modules, the load order must be:
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Dragonborn.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Hearthfire.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Dawnguard.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Skyrim.esp
If you use Realistic Lighting mod and all the modules (including Hearthfire – RL Patch), the load order must be:
Hearthfire – RL Patch.esp
Realistic Lighting – Dawnguard Patch.esp
Realistic Lighting.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Dragonborn.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Hearthfire.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Dawnguard.esp
Remove Interior Fog V2 – Skyrim.esp
IMPORTANT: Sometimes, mods you recently added to your game will not work. To fix this bug, after you install the mod, open the Launcher, disable the mod and close the Launcher. Open the Launcher again, enable the mod and put it on the right load order. This will fix mods not loading.
My plans for the future is to keep supporting this mod until there’s no more official DLCs and Skyrim gets outdated. This means i will update this mod for EVERY new DLC released. I will try to answer every question as fast as i can and fix eventual bugs, so if you find any bugs, please tell me the location you found it!
This mod is compatible with pretty much any mod, except for mods that do the same thing.
Realistic Lighting Overhaul – My mod is partially compatible with RLO. If you are using RLO at full capacity with the optional Dungeons module, you should NOT USE MY MOD, except my Dragonborn module if you have the Dragonborn DLC, because RLO not fully support this DLC yet.
In other words… if you are using RLO, only use my Dragonborn module!
Load my Dragonborn module BEFORE RLO!