Royal Bloodline – Vampire Lord perk tree – abilities – and more
This mod aims to add another level of epicness to the Vampire Lord and empowering it for the higher difficulties, while staying close to the original gameplay. However, most importantly it is supposed to be fun. This mod adds new perks (including brand new abilities like flight) and some minor tweaks to the Vampire Lord.
1. Throne Room
The Throne Room mod file overhauls Harkon’s/The Player’s room in Castle Volkihar.
1. Contents:
– Personal Premium Thrall to the cage, just the way you like it š
– Enchanting Table
– Alchemy Workbench
– Several new storages: Small boxes for ingredients big boxes for euipment and so forth
– Several display boxes
– Several weapon racks
– 5 Mannequins
Further Improvements:
– Deleted all the rubble from the ground
– More light sources
– Exchanged some of the carpets with more elegant ones
– Some Ambiente stuff like flowers, banners etc…
2. Royal Bloodline: Vampire Lord perk tree and abilities and more (1.31)
Requires Dawnguard
2 a) Future Plans:
Regarding features this is the final version. I’m still trying to get some wing models integrated into thhe mod but thats it…
2 b) Trouble Shooting:
1. The royal armor is not showng correctly
– EITHER you don’t have the newest version
– OR Some other mod overwrites my script. Make sure to have my mod last in your load order!
– ORSome other (incompatible) mod put the “DLC1PlayerVampireChangeScript” file in your skyrim/Data/Scripts folder. Delete it (ATTENTION: keep in mind that this might/should make the mod placing the script there not working anymore)
2. Flight doesn’t work
– Try the “Optional flight fix from the optional files in the Nexus’s download section
3. If you don’t have enough available perks
a) Go to your CK. Open my mod as active file.
b) In the object window select *All
c) In the search bar type: DLC1VampireTotalPerksEarned
d) Add the amount of new available perk points you want.
e) Come back to my mod page and endorse it š
4. How do I fly in interiors and towns?
– After having loaded a new cell you need to quit leivatating mode(hit ctrl) and then simply reactivate it again…
5. Compatibility with “Better Vampires” and “Belua Sanguine Revisited”
– In general the mods are compatible. (Make sure you load my mod is set AFTER BV or BSR in your load order!). However, my mod overwrites the Spells that these mods give to the Vampire Lord (normal Vampires have all the spells).
!!!! Brehanin has released a compatibility file which will make all the BV spells available in Vl form!! Found at Better Vampire’s download section under optional files. Make sure to endorse Better Vampires š !!!!
– From what people kept telling me it is also working with BSR.
6. Compatibility with other Vampire Lord Armor Mods
– For mods that change the standard VL armor: Use the “No Royal Armor” optional file.
– For mods that change the royal VL armor: Use the “No Cape” optional file.
7. Do I have to download the main file if I want to use an optional file?
– Yes, install the main file first and overwrite it with the contents of the optional files.
8. The cape keeps clipping thorugh my body
– The cape is a mess. Unfortuantely I can’t change that, since it is governed by the game’s physic mechanics…
– For me I usually just need to hit sprint and it clips out and it won’t clip back in…
Royal Bloodline
This perk changes the Vampire Lordās armor to Harkonās royal version (incl. Cape and Skeleton)
Requires that you have acquired all previous Vampire Lord perks (there is an optionall file to delete the requirement)
Sanguine Perfection
Rank 1: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 10%
Rank 2: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 20%
Rank 3: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 30%
Sharpened Talons
Rank 1: Increases the melee base dmg by 10% adds a 5% critical strike chance to deals +5% dmg.
Rank 2: Increases the melee base dmg by 20% adds a 10% critical strike chance to deals +10% dmg.
Rank 3: Increases the melee base dmg by 30% adds a 15% critical strike chance to deals +15% dmg.
Summon Gargoyle Goliath
Summons a Gargoyle Boss variant instead of a regular Gargoyle.
Removes the original summon Gargoyle Spell.
Requires the Gargoyle Perk next to Royal Bloodline.
Requires Sharpened Talons and Sanguine Perfection maxed.
Blood Transmutation
Adds a spell that converts 35 Health into 35 Magicka per second.
This should be a handy, but balanced option if you ever get caught in trouble during daylight.
Careful: This spell can kill you (we wouldnāt want to make things too easy now would we?)
Requires Sharpened Talons and Sanguine Perfection maxed.
Evolved Wings
Levitating slightly over the ground is unworthy for every true Vampire Lord!
This perk adds the ability to fly in āLevitating-Modeā with working collision (Give it up for J3X)
To give it a little more travel utility it also adds +100 Stamina.
Removes falling damage in leviating mode
Requires Summon Gargoyle Goliath and Blood Transmutation
Darkens the sun for 60 seconds
During that time you deal 25% more magic and melee damage while taking 25% less damage.
Your Regenerations will work during that period as if it were night
Can only be used outside, during the day (5h-19h) and once per day.
Note: At the moment if you activate the spell during the night it won’t take effect but will trigger the cooldown. I will try to make it so that the spell is only in yourlist during the day…
Nightmare Rune
This places a rune that will fear NPCs up to lvl. 40 crossing it for 7 seconds.
I know it doesn’t sound spectacular but i wanted to find another crowd Control possiblitly for the VL without overpowering him like the Wereolve’s “Howl of terror”
This spell only fears for a short duration, but it fears higher lvl npcs and should be a handy option to your VL.
Update: Now has a cooldown of 20 secs, that will only trigger when the Rune actually exlpoded (cool right?)
Sanguine Shield
A powerful shield (ward spell) that will cost you 35 mana per second but also block up to 70 damage. This is mainly supposed to be helpful when facing fire magic users or fire dragons.
More features:
Due to the Vampire lordās script structure there will most probably be quite some compatibility problems with different Vampire Lord mods. Thatās why I will be including features that I think no one should play without:
Bugfix for causing less damage with Serana accompanying you
Tweak to the Activation Blocker to let you interact with chests locked doors etc as well as to loot. (thanks to DarkenDE to pointing out how it is done!)
2 d) Recommended mods to enhance your Vampire Lord experience
Grimoas Vampire Lord
by Grimoa. I highly suggest to use this mod, the wings and the armor are both top notch. However, keep in mind that Grimoa’s armors are either for the Royal Armor (worn by Harkon, those armors where you wear a crown) or for the standard VL armor (no crown).
For those armors with a crown-> Use my optional “No Cape” file.
For those armors with no crown -> Use my optional “No Royal Armor” file.
I myself use her vanilla royal armor (combined with my no cape optonal file) that adds the great wings and removes that damn cape and collar!
Serana Secret
by Sagittarius22, it is compatible with Royal Bloodline and grants Serana the Flight perk as well, which means no more followers that spawn mid air behind you and than take a fatal fall š Its a great mod!
Vampire Lord Retexture
by Dr. Fring. Not much to say, this retexture is incredibly detailed and very well thought out. It adds a lot to the game and also supports the Royal armor!
Vampire Lord Collision Fix
by Mercurius85. This mod simply resizes the Vampire Lord so that he fits through most doors and dungeons. Simple idea, yet truly a blessing for every Vampire Lord.
2 e) Optional files
Sprint Flight (Highly Recommended)
– Flight is limited to sprinting in levitating mod
– Additionally The Highly Evolved Wings perk will grant you infinite stamina
– This is by far the most balanced approach to flight. (I would actually love to include this in the main file, but I dont want to answer why flight doesnt work anymore 2 times a day…)
– The script doesn’t stop immediately once you release the sprint button, but after 1-2 seconds. I left the delay in there on purpose to increase maneuverability (for example if you want to drastically change your direction by 360Ā° you will ahve the time to quickly rotate your camera and then start sprinting again)
No Cape (Highly Recommended)
– Removes the Cape (Unfortunately the collar is irremovalbe)
– Use this file if you wan to use mods that change the Royal Vampire Lord armor or if you simply hate the cape.
– Highly recommended: Use this in combination with Grimoas Vampire Lord Vanilla armor.
No Royal Armor
– Completely removes the Royal Armor from the mod
– Use this file if you wan to use mods that change the standard Vampire Lord armor
No Perk Requirements
– Removes the requirement to have all VL perks to get access to the Royal Bloodline perk.
– Removes the requirements within the Royal Bloodline perks
– The archive contains a compatiblity file for No Requirements + Flight Fix + Sprint Flight
– The archive contains a compatiblity file for No Requirements + Flight Fix
– The archive contains a compatiblity file for No Requirements + Sprint Flight
Possible Flight Fix
– In general ther is no rpoblem with flight, but due to performance issues that might work better for some low-end PCs
– If you experienceproblems with flight give that optional file a try
2 h) Installation:
Simply drop the “Data” folder from the archieve in your Skyrim directory.
Or use the NMM installer.
To update to version 1.4 make a clean save, and overwite old version
2 i) Compatibility:
It has been reported that the MAgic Duel mod causes this mod to conflict. The royalarmor won’t show up correctly.
The Vampire Lord is to the most parts governed by a handful of scripts.So other mods that edit the Vampire Lord will probably modify those scripts, which means this mod should conflict with most mods that edit the Vampire Lord’s perk tree and the effect that transform you into the Vampire Lord.
To list some of those mods:
– Vampire Lords can Loot and Activate
– True Vampire Lord
– etc.
– Vampire Lord Armor mods require you to use the “No Royal Armor” optional file.
2 j) Known Bugs:
Sometimes the new effects for a perk might only kick in after transforming INTO the Vampire Lord form. So if you donāt have a spell revert and transform againā¦
The eclipse ability is quite buggy.
– The spell will also be available in normal vampire form.
– The activation of the power is also available indoors and at night. So the cooldown will trigger, but nothing will happen. This spell only works in exteriors during daytime!!!!