Ruins Clutter Improved
This mod does improve textures and meshes and also corrects UV errors of many clutter objects, which can mostly be found in the dungeons of Skyrim.
Ruins Clutter Improved started as a retexturing project, with the main goal to improve some of the ugliest objects in the dungeons of Skyrim. It improves the visual experience of catacombs and ruins by adding more detail to common clutter objects like pots, sconces, candles, doors and many other ingame materials.
Included SMIM textures
Improved enchantingworkbench texture and candlewax mesh
New vanilla lantern texture and improved mesh
New texture and improved mesh for miscpouch and miscsack
All new candles have separate textures now (should fix all black bar issues)
Thiefs guild golden loot redone
Ruinsceilingsconce new texture
Improved mesh and texture for nordic port cullislarge
Slightly improved ruins pot 4 texture
Silvercande sticks use new texture by skyrimaguas
New soulgem holder textures and improved mesh
Impwallcage improved mesh and texture
Impwood door and portcullis improved mesh and textures
Trapdoor ladder improved textures
Improved cavelamp mesh and texture
Spiderdinner meshes and texture improved
Improved shovel texture
Improved flagon texture
Slightly improved ruinssconcebase texture
Improved iron mesh and texture
Improved broom mesh and texture
Improved uv mapping for silver and sovngarde pottery
Improved textures, mesh and uv-mapping of spider dinner objects
Improved leatherstrips texture
Improved drum texture
Improved dwarvenoil texture
Improved basicplate and diningset textures
Improved floursack textures
Vampirefeed male/female model improved
Improved vampiremeat texture
Silverware blood improved texture
Bloodchalice imrpoved mesh and texture
Candlesticklever uses new candle mesh and textures
Improved ingredient bowls in castle voikihar portal room
Nordicpickaxe improved textures
Riekling candle uses new candlehorn mesh
Amethyst claw uses new ruinsclaw textures
If you downloaded the manual version, you need to unzip and extract the archive into your Skyrim/Data directory.
If you manually install this mod over SMIM you will be prompted to overwrite some files.
If you are using ELFX, you will have to overwrite some meshes (catacomb small ways and candlehorn chandeliers). You can do this safely. I tested my meshes in game with ELFX activated and there was no light flickering or other issues.
Since many things have changed compared to version 2.9. I would strongly recommend to do a clean install with the latest version to prevent problems.