SCaR’s Dramatic Lighting ENB and SweetFX Preset
Color filters that’ll finally put Shakespeare at ease.. with green, vibrant days (“I don’t wanna be an American Idiot”), dramatic nights with blinding bright lights and vibrant colors, and sunsets and sunrises filled with emotion!
My Co-Creator/Tester: Bisko (Ian)
So, I had been experimenting with ENB’s for a while and I just thought that mine was good enough to post on the Nexus!
It features SSAO, image-based lighting, realistic warm colors, as well as many things one would associate with an ENB preset (except no DOF, it kills my framerate and it doesn’t seem to be working on certain computers).
I specifically made it so that I could get a much higher framerate when using power-hungry grass mods and now I’m running 81 mods,and about 75 of them are graphics/overhaul mods.
I’ve now optimized it even further and now get 60 fps average outdoors and 50 in towns. If you have a good cpu, I suggest disabling preload to vram as it speeds up framerate a ton if you just load everything on the go for some reason…
Enhanced Lights and FX
Climates of Tamriel (night level 3)
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Skyrim HD-2k textures (the color blend is specifically made for these textures)
I’m not sure if “Download with manager” works or not, so try downloading manually, installing ENB main files into Skyrim, and then pasting my files into the main Skyrim directory (overwrite any files).
(may or may not matter:)Then, go into ENBLocal file and adjust the amount of VRAM you have (I don’t think it matters though)
INI Tweaks: (in user->documents->MyGames->Skyrim)
change all these values in your skyrimprefs.ini:
IF shadows are too dark/overbearing, follow the Nvidia Geforce Tweak Guide in the shadows section and use their settings. This makes the shadows a ton sharper and for some reason not nearly as overbearing.
Please leave a comment/post if you do not achieve colors/lighting effects such as those seen in the above pictures. Please mind that SOME (VERY few, they’re noticable if you look) (mainly the dragon one) pictures are from v1.0 where I had to fix issues such as too dark shadows or too yellow nights.
i5-4670k at 4.5ghz
ASUS DirectCU II GTX 770
8GB DDR3 G.Skill 1600mhz RAM