Serana Dialogue Edit
An Overhaul of the Dialogue for Serana. This includes: Bug fixes, Custom Dialogue Branches, More Radiant Dialogue and Expansion into Hearthfire and Dragonborn.
April 18, 2023: Working on the mod. You’ll find more up-to-date information on what I’m doing on the discord server.
What does this mod do?
This mod modifies, fixes and expands Serana’s dialogue. The additional dialogues for Serana are fully voiced – utilizing Serana’s dialogue pool. The Serana’s dialogue expansion goes into Dragonborn and Hearthfire.
Skyrim Special Edition Mod Page: Here
Mod Requirements
-Dawnguard DLC
-Hearthfire DLC
-Dragonborn DLC
-Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch (As of 0.33RBeta and beyond)
-Polish Subtitles
-Mandarin Subtitles
Differences from the Previous Version (v0.9)
-Mod has been retweaked to avoid Legacy of the Dragonborn/Book Covers Skyrim Conflict.
-Custom Dialogue has been added to Dragonborn.
-Some radiant dialogue added on some parts of Solstheim (more will be added at v1.1).
How to install the mod?
If installing from NMM, just click on the mod and let NMM install it. If installing manually, just take the .bsa and .esp files and put them in the data folder for Skyrim. Nothing special. If installing manually, just make sure that the mod is activated in the Data Files when opening Skyrim. If using a previous version of this mod, remove the two files (either through NMN or manual), download the latest version of this mod and install.
What is the reason for making this mod?
It started off with fixing a few lines that I felt made Serana a very flat NPC that showed obvious signs that she was rushed by Bethesda. It soon spiraled into the monster that it is today. Mostly, this was meant to be my way of entering into the modding community and learn about the Creation Kit and modding.