SkyHeels v 2_5
Time to get stylish in Skyrim! Adds a pair of high heels.
Skyheels – The Elder scrolls V: Skyrim Mod
-by electionis and jclyde6108
version 2.5 Beta (by jclyde6108)
*remaps feet to UNP v1.2 and resets skin shader for less mismatch, no other files required.
Sliders also work again, and shoes fit a tad better. UVMap may need some tweaks.
version 2.4 Beta (by jclyde6108)
*remaps feet to CBBE v2.1 and resets skin shader for less mismatch, no other files required.
Use this instead of the 2.3 B version. See the screenie in the users section!
version 2.3 A
*solved the missing calf problem. => no matter what you wear, they will look fine.
*changed the “heavy armor” keyword into “clothing” one => doesn’t kill armor bonus.
*if you don’t have any double layerd texture problem, download this.
version 2.3 B
*solved the missing calf problem. => no matter what you wear, they will look fine.
*changed the “heavy armor” keyword into “clothing” one => doesn’t kill armor bonus
* if you have double layered texture problem, download this.
version 2.2.1
*Optional file added by jclyde6108 for those who have double layered texture problem.
He kindly sorted things out and hopefully this settles the matter permanently! Thank you jclyde6108!
version 2.2
*Corrected mesh normal inversion problem of right heel. => Now right heel looks “bling bling” just like the left one! Thanks Tefnacht for tips!
version 2.1
*corrected texture path for left foot. Thanks jclyde6108!
version 2
*created an esp file. =>Now no conflict with wedding sandals.
*fixed the “dark foot” problem. (UV map correction) => Right foot shadow looks a lot more natural now.
*adjusted the skin weighting (bone weighting) properties => The left sole doesn’t stick out any more when running.
*made the ground mesh => you can view and turn them around in your inventory menu (Cool!)
*now purchasable at the Warmaiden’s Blacksmith shop in Whiterun
*Changed the price and various attributes for realism
– fixed the 2 layer texture issue for those who use CBBE v2 body texture or other custom textures.
– initial release
Introduce more color variations.
“perhaps” work on different heel shapes
======= Description ==========
Time to get stylish in Skyrim! Adds a pair of high heels.
Strictly speaking, this is not “real” high heels. You don’t become taller. Actually, you become shorter by compromising the length of the leg mesh.
Then why “high..” or “Sky..” Heels? It’s an optical illusion.
What are heels, anyway? They are fake, but sexy. Period.
When the Creation Kit comes out, an elegant script system will boost the skeleton’s height.
Until then, this is it, folks!
CBBE ver 2 body + feet + hands
======== Install ==================
Drop meshes + textures + SkyHeels.esp folders and a file inside your Data folder.
While in game, go to the Warmaiden’s Blacksmith shop in Whiterun and purchase them.
==== uninstall =======
delete the SkyHeels.esp file.
delete the following folders.
====Known issues=======
1. Mesh
still skinweighting not perfect. So the feet may look weird at times depending on the posture.
2. Texture compatiblity
some say the foot skin color stays the same while adjusting body skin color. (color mismatch)
some say the foot skin looks double layered.
=======Credits and Thanks========
Foot mesh => FemFeet – Female Foot Replacement Mod – by Phygit
CBBE body by Caliente
======= Final Note ==========
You can use this mod freely.
No need to ask permission or give credits to me, but mention CBBE by Caliente and FemFeet by Phygit for the beautiful work