Skykids NPC Files
These files will be addons that will change the races of the children in NPC mods into Skychildren.
First up is a patch for missjennabee’s Expanded Towns and Cities
Second patch is for kristakahashi’s Interesting NPC’s
Third patch is for ripple’s Inconsequential NPCs
Fourth patch is for icecreamassassin’s Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery)
Fifth patch is for jonx0r’s Wyrmstooth
Sixth patch is for AlexanderJVelicky’s Falskaar
Seventh patch is for Arron Dominion’s Dominions Adoption Expansion
Eighth patch is for daofu’s Populated Cities 2
Ninth patch is a Hostile NPC patch that replaces some of the bandits, forsworn, necromancers and vampires.
Tenth patch is a Hostile NPC patch for Dragonborn that replaces some of the Reavers and Cultists.
Eleventh patch changes the Housecarls and Bards. Requires Hearthfires and Oblivion Hair Pack AIO
Twelfth patch adds some Skykid prisoners in the major hold jails, they are also followers.
Thirteenth patch is for reindeer51’s TRUE CITY – The Great Expansion of Solitude
Fourteenth patch is for reindeer51’s SNOW CITY – The Great Expansion of Windhelm
Fifteenth patch is for reindeer51’s SKY CITY – Markarth Rising
Sixteenth patch is for Ceasirius’s Solitude Expansion
Seventeenth patch is for brytag’s Solitude Reborn
Eighteenth patch is for Ahondara’s Winterhold Rebuild
Nineteenth patch changes the Student Bards and College of Winterhold students. Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO and Apachii Hair
Twentieth patch is for Ld50365’s Blackthorn – A Buildable Town in The Rift
Twentyfirst patch is for Gerheardt’s City of Pinemist. Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, SG Hair and Apachii Hair
Twentysecond patch is for nesbit098’s The People of Skyrim Ultimate Edition Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO and Apachii Hair
Twentythird patch is for Mike Hancho’s Helgen Reborn Requires Apachii Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Twentyfourth patch is for tesseractangular’s Kidmer – Adoptable Elf Children Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, Apachii Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Twentyfifth patch is for Arthmoor’s Cutting Room Floor Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, and The Eyes of Beauty
Twentysixth patch adds four Dunmer children to Raven Rock’s Immersive Solstheim. Requires Expanded Towns and Cities, Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, Apachii Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Twentyseventh patch is for NevahNevah’s The Haven From The Cold And Dark
Twentyeighth patch is for Urtho’s Settlements Expanded
Twentyninth patch changes most of the named members of Dawnguard and Volkihar. Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, Apachii Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Thirtieth patch is a merger of the three plugins that change the included children. Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, Apachii Hair , SG Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Thirtyfirst patch changes the four junior members of the Companions into Skykids. Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, Apachii Hair , SG Hair and The Eyes of Beauty
Thirtysecond patch is for BeyondSkyrimDC’s Beyond Skyrim – Bruma Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO and Apachii Hair – For now they will use base Skyrim clothing, until I can get a chance to convert them over for use with the armor patcher dll.
Thirtythird patch is for GanXingba’s Moon and Star Requires Oblivion Hair Pack AIO, and The Eyes of Beauty
Thirtyfourth patch is for Galandil’s Holds The City Overhaul
Thirtyfifth patch is for SetteLisette’s Immersive World Encounters
All of these files will require Skykids by en_hawk
Installation instructions for Skykids are at the link in the readme tab.
and RaceCompatibily for Skyrim and Dawnguard by TMPhoenix