Skyrim Horses Renewal

Skyrim Mods |

Skyrim Horses Renewal

New mesh, texture, animation and HDT physics for Skyrim horses.

This mod changes:
Horse’s mesh;
New textures (diffuse and normal maps) for all Skyrim horses;
Horse’s and horse rider’s animation (idle, walk, trot, run and sprint);
HDT Hair physics for horse’s mane and tail;

This mod requires the latest version of HDT Physics Extension .dll and SKSE.
Tested on v.14.28 of HDT.

This mod IS NOT (!) compatible with any horses saddles/armory mods!
Only saddle’s texture mods probably.
This mod IS compatible with Convinient Horses: you have to place this mod under CK in your’s mod’s order.

Warning: this mod still have some issues that have to be fixed.
Use in on your risk and don’t forget to make the backup of your latest savegame.

Install the downloaded archive with NMM and place HDT .dll file to your Data>SKSE>Plugins folder.
There is no HDT Physics Extension .dll included in this mod, you have to download it manually, it is avalible on Nexus.

Where to find:
Adds a wild horse herd near Falkreath.

Look for Kapeka, who imports these horses from Cyrodiil. She is near Whiterun, the busiest market hub of Skyrim.
Edited navmesh around the pasture to ensure NPCs can navigate the new additions.

Adds horses to Imperial Military Camps:
2 in Rift, 1 in Falkreath, 1 in Whiterun, 1 in Reach

Adds horses to Civil War forts (after taking over in battle):
1 in Fort Greymoor, 1 in Fort Sungard, 1 in Fort Snowhawk, 1 in Fort Greenwall, 1 in Fort Kastav, 2 in Fort Dunstad

Ceruulean: for making a non-replacer version of this mod;
HydrogensaysHDT: For creation physics extension plugin;
Fierymarigold: for Swift Steeds mod on which my mod is based;
Bergzore: for the animation tutorials;
Canderes: for the physics tutorials and scripts;
necKros: for the Autopilot tool for 3ds Max;
yukl: for resources for horse animation;

Author: Fuse00
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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