Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Skyrim Immersive Creatures adds dozens of new creatures to enhance your gaming experience. This mod adds brand new creatures which fit in to the world of Skyrim, alongside variations of existing creatures, adding diversity and improving gameplay.
Skyrim Immersive Creatures v6.5.2b
— Installation & Upgrade Details —
PC Gamer “The Top Skyrim Mods”, February 2016
Skyrim Immersive Creatures adds dozens of new creatures and creature variants to enhance your gaming experience,
adding diversity and improving gameplay.
New creatures include new types of undead, dwemer automatons, warring goblin tribes – and many, many more!
Creatures have new special abilities, with strengths and weaknesses, and by default are more challenging than existing creatures in the game –
encouraging the player to use different strategies to deal with different creatures. Difficulty can be adjusted in the MCM menu.
All creatures fit the world of Skyrim, but most creature types are can be enabled or disabled in the MCM menu
to suit your own taste. For those who seek a purist lore-friendly experience, the ‘purist’ preset enables only
those creatures seen in earlier Elder Scrolls games, or with precedence in established written lore.
The latest Skyrim Version (v1. & the DLC Dawnguard are essential.
SKSE 1.6.16 & SkyUI 5.1
The Nexus Mod Manager is recommended to install this mod (zip-file is also BAIN-ready).
— If you encounter problems downloading this mod with NMM try a manual download and add the mod after that into your manager! —
— Consider using the 64bit version over the 32bit one for better handling of large files —
Wrye Bash is a useful tool to avoid mod conflicts.
See Skyrim Immersive Creatures page for old version download.
Mod created by lifestorock, with contributions and maintenance updates by jackstarr, and contributions from a huge team of talented modders and artists.
Any donations made while downloading the mod go directly to lifestorock.
Please also consider donating to any of the contributors to the mod by following the links to their profile below.
Special thanks to the following people:
jackstarr for his work on the lore friendly version (v5.1.1) and his invaluable help to keep SIC lore friendly and having such great ideas for me to implement!
Grohiik for being the man! Thanks for sending over so great stuff!
kuertee for Less Predictable Respawn