Sneak Tools Spanish Translation

Skyrim Mods |

Sneak Tools Spanish Translation

Here you have a translation of the Sneak Tools mod by Borgut1337.
It is a complete translation with the MCM, the messages of the mod actions and the items (hoods, masks, arrows, spells…) translated.
If you find any errors, notify me. As you will see in some image there is a bug in the MCM that says ”VARIOUS” I have checked it and it is written like this ”VARIOUS” but in the game it appears in capital letters, which we are going to do hehe.
In the Horstar store:
-The dialogues seem slow, but I suppose you should hear something Horstar says…
-To return to Skyrim (from where you used the spell) use the spell again. (It is not a bug, it is a clarification xd)
If there are more comments or send me a PM.

Author: Durzo Blint
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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