Society of Merchants
Welcome to the Society of Merchants. The Society adds a big city on the outskirts of Whiterun. This city contains 3 Shoppingplaza’s, 9 specialized shops, 4 Player houses, a followers tavern and a inn. There’s also Survivals Gathering, a camp for the survivalists. There’s a total of over 60 merchants, each with a specialized invertory,divided over 4 new districts. Everything is Follower friendly!
This mod adds a very large open city to the outskirts of whtiterun filled with many shops and other buildings. Here’s a list:
The Hunters Plaza: 8 specialized Merchants + cooked food and beverages
The Fighters Plaza: 8 specialized Merchants + cooked food and beverages
The Magicians Plaza: 8 Specialized Merchants + cooked food and beverages
The Golden Axe: 2 merchants
Helena’s Varieties: 2 merchants
The Sharpened Arrow: 2 merchants
The Black Cauldron: 2 merchants
The Healing Hands: 2 merchants
The Conjurator: 2 merchants
The Altering sight: 2 merchants
The Flaming Soul: 2 merchants
The Illusive Soul: 2 merchants
The White Stallion: cooked food + beverages
The Followers Tavern: cooked food and beverages
Inner Breeze Paradise : Small Player home (garden district)
Lake Breeze Paradise: Medium Player Home (lake district)
Survivals Gathering: 6 merchants
Sweet Breeze Paradise: Small Player Home (gate district)
Silent Breeze Paradise : Large Player Home (merchants district) + 2 merchants
The Market Stalls: 7 merchants
There are also 2 empty houses which will be filled with content from the DLC’s in future updates.
Plaza’s are up for business from 6am to 8pm.
The Shop do business from 8am to 6pm.
The Markets are open for business from 7am to 7pm.
I’ve also added duplicates of the original arrows, which are recognisable as the SHARP arrows which you can buy in large quantities at The Sharpened Arrow. At the Magician’s Plaza you can also create soulgems at the soulgemforge
Requirements: Latest version of Skyrim. (1.9.32)
This mod contains 1 masterfile and 4 plugins
Masterfile contents: the entire city and everything in it
Shop package contents: only the merchant faction and packages of the shopkeepers and marketstall owners.
Plaza Package contents: merchant factions and packages of all the shopkeepers in all three plaza’s.
SurvivalsG package contents: merchant factions and packages for the six npc’s at survivals gathering.
Finalized content: This only a Re-finalization of 4 exterior cells. These cells are 01,04,15,16 of the whiterun exterior.
Unpack, drag the contents in the folder or use the mod manager. Activate all the plugins except the finalized plugin. The finalized plugin is only nessecary if you use one of the mods mentioned below. When you install this mods, make sure you are not somewhere in the exterior world.Place the masterfile as high as possible in the load order. I place the plugins always in front of clothing mods as this was for me the best place. if using the finalized plugin you have to place it somewhere at the bottom.
Literally every mod that alters even a little bit of the Whiterun exterior.(This mod alters 18 exterior cells.)
If using one of the mods below, you must activate the Society of Merchants finalized esp and place it after the mods mentioned below.(I always place this esp after interesting npc’s)
– More Travellers (this mod add a barrel under the carriage, which I personally don’t mind.)
– Interesting Npc’s
– Jobs of Skyrim
If not using one of these three, you don’t have to activate the finalized plugin.(Perhaps there other conflicting mods I don’t know of which can be made compatible with the finalized esp.)
Note: When using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, two cabbages will be added on the field next to the carriage.(which I also don’t mind)
adding one new district along the east wall of whiterun behind battleborn and chillfurrow farm.
adding guards on patrol
adding NPC’s to the city
adding landscape fixes
adding new shoppingplaza’s