Solitude Docks District
Adds a large lore freindly trade district to the solitude docks
Its BEEN FIXED! i hope, i used tes5 edit to clean the mod up. if you still have problems i dont know how else i can help you. I also deleted some unecesary things that just looked tarrible
I Just want to say thanks for the encouragment,endorsments and kudos it helps me have the will to continue on this mod…….Thanks 🙂
Thanks to Dudes who are making the awsome videos and posting the pics thanks brothers {:>)
And If you like there vids remember to subscribe!
************************************************************ Description ********************************************************
I always thought the citys in skyrim were a bit small. Its the capital of skyrim and it has 20 npcs. so this is going to slightly change well at least in solitude that is. I think that solitude is a city of trade and prosparity. not 3 boats hahaha. so i dicided to add a large dock district!
*************************************************************** Versions **********************************************************
See Changelog
*************************************************************** Features *********************************************************
-New merchants
-A new Tavern
-Casualty Extraction
-Slums (not every one in solitude has a nice stone house)
-Larger amounts of boats in the harbour
-new temple
-And lots more
**************************************************************** Install ************************************************************
Drag and drop the Esp into The data folder in the skyrim directory
************************************************************ Performance ******************************************************
Well this mod adds alot of stuff to the solitude so you know if your system is low low end there will be a hit just like any other mod basicly. but any thing mid to high end pcs there would not realy be a problem 🙂
**************************************************************** Bugs **************************************************************
I know there will be bugs so please let me know Where they are and ill stomp em.
🙂 there have been some reports of random barrels of moon sugar around places that shouldent have them or maybe there are just more junkies LOLZ!
Please give feedback it helps alot!
********************************************************** Combatibilty *********************************************************
WEll of course its not combatible with any mod that adds or changes the docks but any thing other than that would be fine
i recamend any mod that adds things to the inside of solitude to have that big city feal have fun 🙂
lite version not working with sea ghosts quest mod