Soul Hunter – Craft and convert Soul Gems
A new age of hunting begins. Hunt down npcs and craft with their collected souls epic things like reusable soul gems. Let the great hunt begin!
Trust me, this mod makes hunting down bandits much more fun 😉
It adds 2 new spells with new magic effects, about 2 dozens of crafting recipes and of course, spell tomes and new soul gems.
1. Crafting (forge; category misc):
You can craft one filled soul gem into 2 empty of the same kind. You can also craft the – so far useless – soul gem fragments into soul gem shards. They are being used for creating new soul gems. A soul gem can be dismantled into shards and those shards can be turned into soul gems again.
2. Items:
Added 2 spell tomes with 2 new spells:
– small dark ritual: turns one grand soulgem into a dark soul gem
– grand dark ritual: turns one indestructible soulgem into a black one
Spell tomes can be found in a safe in Whiterun (look at pictures above)
The indestuctible soul gem is a modified version of azura’s star / the black star.
I would love to hear your suggestions!
Known bugs:
– spells stopped working, will be fixed soon
No DLCs needed
To do in further versions:
– New skill
– perform at a enchanting table