SR Elf Followers
Add nine elf-eared followers. Standalone.
25th of November, 2018 – UPDATE version 2.0
Added new follower Aina and Unelma.
Added simple custom dialogues for each followers: You can give them their favorite things, and they will give you a subtle buff in return.
Added previous retexture options as new followers Mustikka and Johanna.
Custom skin texture based on SG Female Textures and Bijin skin.
Each followers are now in different locations.
See Changelogs for full documentation.
And… Special Edition version is now available!
Suggestions are welcome
I added some short custom dialogues in 2.0. However, since English is not my first language, they may sound awkward to native speakers. Please feel free to post your suggestions about them.
– This mod adds nine elf-eared followers
– You can find them at following locations:
Spoiler: Show
– This mod is standalone. You don’t need any additional mods to be installed.
– Female characters’ body type is UNP.
– Each followers have simple custom dialogues. You can give them their favorite things, and they will give you a subtle buff in return.
– All followers are marriageable, protected*, min 1 to max 100 level, and have Light Foot perk.
* “Protected” means they can be killed by player but no one else.
You can make them “essential” (never die) by follower overhaul mods, or console command “SetEssential”.
Use your mod manager, or manually copy and paste the files into your Skyrim Data folder.
To update from 1.x, retrieve all items from the followers before updating.
No Tattoo Texture for Maisa
-Removes Maisa’s tattoos.
Playable Character Saves
-Each follower’s slot data for Enhanced Character Edit.
Q: How can I change their equipment/spell/AI/protection setting?
A: Use follower overhaul mod like AFT or EFF.
Q: Do they work with ?
A: Yes. This mod is standalone. They work properly no matter what body you use.
Q: Can you make version?
A: No. I regard their body as one of their personalities.
You can replace relevant meshes and textures in my mod with your desired body mod by yourself. But I don’t support about it.
Q: In that screenshot, what’s the armor he/she wear?
A: See Credits section below.
Q: He/She is too tall/short for me.
A: First, open console. Next, click him/her. Then type “setscale 1.0” (or whatever number you like).
Q: I cannot find any/specific follower(s).
A: Most of them are not in The Drunken Huntsman from version 2.0. See Introduction section above.
If you can’t find them at their location, try deactivate my esp and make a clean save. Then activate the esp again and load the saved game.
Q: I lost them! Where have they gone?
A: Open console, then type “player.moveto [RefID]”.
To check their RefID, click them while console is open. Yes, you need to load a save you haven’t lost them yet.
Q: My follower’s skin are all/partly unusual white/black/purple.
A: Set “Texture Quality” to “High” in Options in the game launcher.
Q: Apparently this mod causes CTD/loading problem.
A: Apparently your environment (other mods, computer spec, Skyrim version, etc) cannot handle high resolution textures this mod uses. Try compress and/or resize textures into smaller size if possible. (Do it at your own risk. I don’t support.)
Q. Their follower system is glitched!
A: This mod use vanilla follower system, which means there won’t be any follower system bugs specific to this mod. I suppose it’s your follower overhaul mod’s issue or computer spec issue.
You may wonder about why their appearance are much different from other elves in Skyrim. (If not, you can skip this nonsense section.)
So I have some options here for you. Pick one you liked.
– They are from another world than Nirn. They believe The Elder Scrolls have a power to bring them back to their home world.
– They are a kind of Breton. Since they have stronger elf blood than other Bretons, their ears are pointy like elves.
– They are Nords. An elven mage had put a curse upon them to change their ears like elves. The mage might have intended to bless them, or insult them.
– They are actual Mer. But they think they should be more familiar with Nords as they live in Skyrim. So they asked the face sculpture to alter their face. The ears are the parts she couldn’t touch.
– Everything is an illusion. Their real face is like other elves in Skyrim. But who cares?
– Everything is an illusion. All other elves’ real face is like them. The world is beautiful.