SUM – SkyProc Unified Manager

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SUM – SkyProc Unified Manager

SUM is a manager program to help streamline the use of multiple SkyProc patchers.
Instead of manually patching each mod you have, just run SUM once.

Official SUM ReadMe
With SkyProc Patcher troubleshooting articles

What Does SUM do?
SUM is a manager program to help streamline the use of multiple SkyProc patchers.
Instead of manually patching each SkyProc mod you have, just run SUM once.

1) SUM handles the tediousness and correct protocols of running SkyProc patchers, especially when multiple patches are involved.
2) Primary method for setting alternate language preferences for SkyProc patchers.
3) Allows you to designate allocated memory for all your SkyProc patchers.
4) (Experimental) SUM can merge all your SkyProc patches into one esp file.

The end result is a quick and easy repatch whenever you’ve added or removed other mods or SkyProc patchers.

Real world example:
Let’s say you have Automatic Variants, RBS, and WIP patchers. Before you would have to run each one by one while following the tedious Multiple SkyProc Patcher Protocol.

After installing SUM, however, you can just run SUM whenever you want to repatch things. It will run AV, RBS, and WIP one by one for you, and you can go sip tea instead of clicking like a maniac.

Refer to the Official Readme for detailed instructions.

Author: Leviathan1753
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