Talos Island
A huge island made from scratch and has all the things you could ever want in it!
This mod/map is my first project i have done with skyrim, the overall design that i made was a island in the middle of a lake that gives a sense of peace and serenity.
The island is still in progress and i will working on it for months to come, i hope to add other features and decals along the way.
– A lovely little island off the lake leading to riverwood
– A hand crafted player house
– Loads of goodies such as display cases and wall mounts
– Ambient bird sounds made from scratch and tweaked
Version 1:
.Basic house and island which had alot of bugs to begin with
Version 2:
.new house and decals to suit the island more
.new lighting system added for a more peaceful view
.added decals such as rocks and flora to the island
Version 3:
.Fixed and Optimised island for low end computers
.Added over 50 decals and objects to interior of the house
.Added more rocks and decals to the outside world such as a starting dock inland and lighting adjustments
Version 3.1:
.Fixed dock pole and boats being lifted in the air
.Added more rocks and decals such as a nice statue of a head behind the house
Version 3.2 current:
.Added more lights to the interior, such as a light behind the bear and some more lights in the basement
.fixed a wide variety of bugs from clipping grass to tents clipping, and snow covered walls.
.Added a tanning station and chopping board
.more bug fixes to come and new big improvements and installments on the way!
.Fixed objects being stealable. they all objects are now owned by the player!
Version 3.2 Bugfix update:
Fixed house so now you can sleep in it and have companions follow hopefully
Version 4.0 Expansion:
.Added 2 more islands to the intial island.
.Includes Outside smithy
.Lovely garden with waterfalls etc, work in progress
.More to come!
Version 4.1 features
.Alchemy table added
.Echanting table added
.Tons more flora to add more realism and vibe to the area
.Some bug fixes, mainly floating objects
Version 4.5 features
.New house
.Vastly updated area and island.
.New Lumbermill, work in progress
.Still in production as you see this, please allow time for any bugs to be ironed out
Any feedback and support would be grateful.
Version 4.6
.New stuff, take a look =)
Version 4.7
.Blacksmithing outpost added next to house, just follow the path
.Fixes and more fixes to come!
.Added dummies and archery targets, also updated forge and blacksmithing area
.Fixed lighting issues with house and added more props and such