The Elder Scrolls V – Expanded
The Elder Scrolls V – Expanded is a lore friendly mod that adds minor locations across the holds of Skyrim for you to explore. Some locations are lore-friendly, after appearing in Arena, while some are not featured, but they do not contradict any material from the Elder Scrolls series. I attempted to integrate these settlements to create a more immersive Skyrim with hamlets dotted around the holds on main roads.
As of now it adds:
-Yorgrim Wall(SLF)
-Bear and Claw Inn(SLF)
-Dragon Wood(LF)
-Pargran Village(LF)
-Vidarsen Residence(SLF)
The Pale:
(Optional) Lorkynd(SLF)
Port Lysanvir(SLF)
Wrecker’s Refuge(SLF)
LF = Lore Friendly
SLF = Semi-Lore Friendly
Each of these locations can be individually downloaded.
Feel free to suggest new locations and ideas, you never know, they might (probably) be made!
Watch the mods development at Dark Creations
-Pretty Much Everything
-Highly recommended to have Dawnguard installed (For Viantlek)
-Extremely likely to not be compatible with Fight Against the Thalmor II: The Cyrodiil Frontier (For Viantlek)
-Not compatible with the Ale N Tale Inn ruins from Corners of Skyrim (For Bear and Claw Inn, you can download version 1.01 to get rid of the Inn)
-Not compatible with Helgen Reborn (For Viantlek)
-Not compatible with Asgard Hall (For Vidarsen Residence)
If you find any errors please say! 🙂
-kingwulf for taking beautiful screenshots of locations
-AndrealphusVIII for notifying me of errors
-Astakos and many others for giving me tips on merging .esp’s
-Many more people for notifying me of errors and compatibility issues
-And of course Bethesda for making the game