The Elder Scrolls V Expanded – Falkreath – Viantlek
The first mod in The Elder Scrolls V: Expanded Series starting off with the village of Viantlek. This settlement is in the far south of Falkreath Hold in County Helgen on the road to Cyrodiil, Pale Pass.
The first (released) mod in The Elder Scrolls V: Expanded Series starting off with the village of Viantlek. This settlement is in the far south of Falkreath Hold in County Helgen on the road to Cyrodiil, Pale Pass.
Can be considered Lore-Friendly however, there was never a settlement in Arena by that name.
-Pretty Much Everything
-Highly recommended to have Dawnguard installed
-Extremely likely to not be compatible with Fight Against the Thalmor II: The Cyrodiil Frontier