The Eye
This is currently is an alpha stage mod, land mass is about four times the size of Skyrim, three town have been created as well as multiple regions generated.
Welcome to Verasyer, a realm gripped in chaos.
The Eye adds the realm continent of Verasyer to Skyrim, a large landmass that I plan to be separate from Tamriel with fully functioning everything. This means towns, dungeons, quests, NPCs, and story. As this mod is very much on the drawing board, suggestions are welcome and anyone wishing to join the team is welcome to whether all you want to do is make one dungeon or stick with The Eye from start to finish.
Story (WiP):
For years, the Salorian people lived in peace under their king. Upon his death, the Empire became embroiled in a shadowy civil war over the heirless throne. The remnants of the Empire sought to raise one of their own to secure the crown, while many others sought to elect a new King out of the people’s vote, deposing the current rulers of the land. Unable to come to an agreement, the two sides clashed violently in a bloody campaign
The remnants of the Empire pit their swords against the Rebellion to secure their grasp on the land. For a time, the Rebellion help their own, taking land day by day. However, they could not hope to fight the well trained soldiers of the Empire. Crushed by their enemy’s overwhelming might, the Rebellion was scattered, and a new King named.
Seven years later, you arrive in Verasyer. Shadows shift in the darkest recesses of its lands, stimulated by your presence. With the fragile peace hanging by a thread, your actions will shape this new land’s future. What will you do?
How to visit The Eye:
There is a ship waiting outside Dawnstar to take you to Wereld’s Harbour, from there you can use the trap door located in Ciun’s Goods to get to Usten and in a similar fashion through Glenn’s House you can get to WinterBrook.
Current Regions for Testing:
-Eastern Highlands
-Arivan Forest
-Winter Brook
-Southern Plains
-Wereld’s Harbour
Please post bugs or broken terrain within the above territories. Anything outside of them has not been finished yet.
Current Needs:
If you wish to help with any of the above, or have another area of expertise you’d wish to help us with, feel free to contact me.
The Files:
The esm will not be updated regularly, only for any major updates. Unless the version changes you do not have to re-download the esm file. The esp will hold all minor updates, so please check that version number frequently.
Many updates will be released through separate files for testing before being merged with the esm.
Simply download and put the files into the Data folder. Dawnguard is required.
Please report any incompatibilities with other mods found.