The Great City Of Dawnstar
Makes Dawnstar the city it always should have been
The Great City Of Dawnstar
Dawnstar is a major port city and one of Skyrim’s most important trade centers. It lies about halfway between Solitude and Winterhold and is the last port before Windhelm that is not icebound. So how is this great center of trade represented in game? With a few wooden houses and a single ship! Even Nordic dungeons look more impressive than one of Skyrim’s ancient cities.
The Great City Of Dawnstar tries to improve Dawnstar by adding fortifications and an expanded port area. It tries to accentuate the differences between the upper district, which houses the Jarl and guard barracks and focuses on defense, and the lower port area, which focuses on port activity and trade. This mod also adds a general goods merchant. The goal is to add just a little more immersion to every visit of Dawnstar and filling in the huge gap between minor and major cities.
This mod is not compatible with any mod that significantly alters the area surrounding Dawnstar. Only the interior of the jarl’s palace has been altered.