The Haven From The Cold And Dark
Are you sick of the Ice and Tundra, but you think
that most Tropical/Green Mods are Just Not Lore Friendly?
Then This mod is the answer.
“The Haven” is a set of Green Bosmer islands that are
located between the Summerset Isles and Hammerfell.
It’s a well stocked Port of call for traders.
This Mod only requires all DLC’s and the latest Skyrim Update.
Mod Conflicts
The only mods that should conflict with this mod,
are any that alter the Solitude Docks,
or the land just East of Lakeview Manor.
Q – Are there any Quests?
A – No, this mod is for Aesthetic Purposes only.
Q – Will there be Quests for “The Haven” in the Future?
A – No, although I will give Permission to those whom
wish to add Quests, you just have to ask me first.
Q – This mod is supposed to be Lore friendly? Ha!
A – Look, there is no way to know what is
truly Lore friendly and what is not.
(Seriously “The Elder Scrolls” Lore Contradicts
itself more than any other game out there.)
I have done my best to keep it
as Lore Friendly as Possible.
Q – Why is everyone in “The Haven” Bosmer?
A – They are not, there is a Dunmer and Many Khajit
NPC’s. I Like Bosmer (Because I hate Vegetables)
So I set “The Haven” along a Bosmer Shipping Route.
Q – Your Mod Keeps Crashing my Game, WTF?
A – You need a Stronger Rig, this mod is rather GPU intensive.
I am Running Skyrim on an Alienware Alpha on
“High Graphic Settings” and my mod drops
from 50-60 to about 30-40 FPS.
Q – I have a Godlike Rig and it still crashes WTF?
A – Pffft! Who knows! I have had this mod tested
by many Modders with very, varied results.
Q – How do I get there?
A – Read just below the “Features” section.
Q – Can I alter your mod and Upload it to Nexus?
A – Yes but ask me for permission first.
Q – Is this mod part of “Beyond Skyrim” Project?
A – No…