The Houses of Healing – New Spell – LOTR

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The Houses of Healing – New Spell – LOTR

The Houses of healing from the LOTR movies. Come here if you wish the help of the Northern healers.

Here, you will find the Kingsfoil ingredient, that will boost your health.

You will find, also, a NEW SPELL that Faramir will sell you. It will Call on the lost rangers to come to your aid when in battle.

The Houses of Healing were the houses that stood in the sixth circle of Minas Tirith, surrounded by lawns and trees, where the healers of Gondor did their work.

The eldest of the women that attended the sick was Ioreth, who cared for many of the wounded after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, including Faramir who had been wounded by an Southron’s arrow, as well as Éowyn and Merry, both of whom had been injured grievously while slaying the Witch-king of Angmar. Aragorn later entered the city as a Captain of the Dúnedain of Arnor, as Faramir was still the Steward of Gondor. Aragorn revealed himself as king after Ioreth said, “The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known.” He requested athelas only to be told by Ioreth and the herb-master that that they didn’t keep any in the Houses of Healing because only the very sick or badly wounded were tended there and they didn’t know of athelas’s power. They had to send Bergil to find some. Aragorn then healed the wounded, crushing leaves of athelas in steaming bowls, to make a healing brew.

Author: Dwaugh2
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