The Phenomenology of Spirit

Skyrim Mods |

The Phenomenology of Spirit

Mod that adds philosophy book The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to Skyrim.

The Phenomenology of Spirit is divided into nine books. Books are accessible via console. They look like some Skyrim book but appropriate book cover will be added soon! I aspire to add the whole bunch of other books in the future

I’ve also added
The Communist Manifesto
The Conquest of Bread
The Ego and Its Own
The Prince

Enjoy reading and share with your comrades!

A. Consciousness
I. Sense-Certainty, This, & Meaning
II. Perception, Thing, & Deceptiveness
III. Force & UnderstandingB. Self-Consciousness
IV. True Nature of Self-CertaintyA. Lordship & Bondage
B. Unhappy ConsciousnessC. Free Concrete Mind(AA). Reason
V. Certainty & Truth of ReasonA. Observation as Reason
a. b. c. B. Realization of rational self-consciousness
a. b. c. C. Individuality
a. b. c. (BB). Spirit
VI. SpiritA. Objective Spirit: the Ethical order
a. b. c. B. Culture & civilization
I. World of spirit in self-estrangement
a. b.
II. Enlightenment
a. b. III. Absolute Freedom & TerrorC. Morality
a. b. c. (CC). ReligionVII. Religion in GeneralA. Natural Religion
B. Religion as Art
a. b. c. C. Revealed Religion(DD). Absolute KnowledgeVIII.Absolute Knowledge

Author: KilledShinigami
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