The Real Warmaidens
An overhaul for the warmaidens shop in Whiterun.
This is nothing special at all. Just something I still had in my Data folder and I thought I should share with you. It reworks the interior of the Warmaidens to make it look a bit more like a real weapon shop. The vanilla version is far to open where the buyer can basicaly go everywhere he wants. Now he cant. There is the area for you and the one for the shop owners. It does not change the outside so its good to use with any Whiterun mod. Even open cities.
But, just see for yourself. Again, nothing big or special at all.
• Skyrim with latest patch
And no, I will not make it without any of these DLCs.
• A completely rebuilded Warmaiden.
• Lore-friendly look.
• An area for buyers and an area for the owners.
– Credits –
• Blary: Bookset