Skyrim Mods |


If you are having some troubles with your load order, or a mod such as immersive armors, guard dialogue ovehaul, or immersive weapons and the SPIKE.ESM file doesn’t exist in your data folder, HERE YOU HAVE IT!

If you are having some troubles with your load order, or a mod such as immersive armors, guard dialogue overhaul, or immersive weapons and the SPIKE.ESM file doesn’t exist in your data folder, HERE YOU HAVE IT!
Tips: it manually.
2. Extract it.
3. Paste the only file (SPIKE.ESM file) inside your data folder and that is all 😀

About this file:
This file was made by Eckss. He made it for get a simple way to pass information dynamically between Mods. He wanted a system that would be invisible to players and require nothing more from them than the ability to use Nexus Mod Manager. He also wanted a system that would be easy for he to use as a Mod author and reduce the amount of work he had to do to make his Mods compatible with the work of other authors.

In short words, thanks to the comment in the previus article, from NemesisTheWarlock says:

“There are NO mods left that still use SPIKE.esm, if you’re being told you need it, it’s generally an error in the program you’re using as it hasn’t been updated. Otherwise, it can be because you have a patch or merged file which is still reliant on SPIKE.esm. You need to remove/replace/update anything that still uses SPIKE.esm. All of the mods that used to use it have now been upgraded to using SPIKE VE instead and that doesn’t require any extra effort or monitoring on the part of users, it works the way that SPIKE.esm originally worked when Eckss designed it, before the program update that made it a separate, required master file.”

So… that is a good conclution… I suggest to find another way to make the mods work, but if you just need this file because the load order and you can’t edit the warning, use it.

Author: HircineMANDA
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