Thieves Guild Alternate Routes – Taking Care of Business Mod
This mod allows you to: shut down the Thieves’ Guild quest line from the get-go; take less malicious routes through A Chance Arrangement,Taking Care of Business, Loud and Clear and Dampened Spirits; reduce the tedium of the Thieves’ Guild radiant jobs. Masterless version and version for Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr available.
For all you Robin Hood types out there: hated having to burn bridges while Taking Care of Business for the Thieves’ Guild? Now, you have an alternative.
This mod allows you to:
> Reject Brynjolf’s propositions to join the Thieves’ Guild during A Chance Arrangement.
> Take an alternate route to complete A Chance Arrangement.
> Take an alternate route to complete Taking Care of Business. (Or eventually rebuild the bridges you burnt after you’ve become guildmaster.)
> Take an alternate route to complete Loud and Clear. (Or eventually rebuild the bridges you burnt after you’ve become guildmaster.)
> Take an alternate route to complete Dampened Spirits. (In which you can defy Maven!)
> Focus the Thieves’ Guild radiant jobs in a single city.
> Take all seven radiant jobs at once.
> Adjust the radiant job requirements for the Thieves’ Guild trophies to appear.
> Tell Mjoll about your plans to join the Thieves’ Guild without antagonising her.
> Introduce yourself to Tonilia without antagonising her.
*Also includes an MCM for customisation.
Dear All,
It turns out I won’t be able to spare time for modding Skyrim for the near future, and so my hiatus will be extended indefinitely.
I sincerely apologise to anyone who’s followed this mod with expectations, especially to those who’ve held up their game waiting for the final parts of the mod.
If anyone is willing to take this mod over, please feel free to do it; I leave blanket permission to take this mod and do whatever you wish with it.
I have a skeleton and am able to provide the steps toward implementing the final functionalities (rebuilding the apiaries from Loud and Clear and helping the Thieves’ Guild ‘graduate’ from Maven Black-Briar); I just don’t have the time to execute it.
Again, my sincerest apologies.
Hope that everyone continues to enjoy Skyrim and the Special Edition!
1.0: Take an alternate route to complete Taking Care of Business. (Or eventually rebuild the bridges you burnt after you’ve become guildmaster.)
1.1: As in 1.0, and also focus the Thieves’ Guild radiant jobs in a single city.
1.2: As in 1.1, and also take all seven radiant jobs at once, and adjust the radiant job requirements for the Thieves’ Guild trophies to appear. MCM.
1.3: As in 1.2, and also let Mjoll know you’re joining the Thieves’ Guild to change them from within.
1.4: As in 1.3, but with all dialogue redone to accommodate vanilla voice files. Which means, yes, voiced dialogue. For now.
—Dependency Introduced: Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr—
1.5: As in 1.4, and also take an alternate route to complete A Chance Arrangement or reject Brynjolf entirely.
—Dependency Introduced: Skyrim Legendary Edition—
1.6: As in 1.5, and also take an alternate route to complete Loud and Clear. Fixed Thieves’ Guild trophy requirement functionality.
2.0: As in 1.6, and also take an alternate route to complete Dampened Spirits. (In which you can defy Maven!)
—Dependency Removed: Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr—
2.01: As in 2.0, and also with some small fixes. Masterless version (2.01a) now available!
*If you’re getting the delayed lip-synch bug, Fix Lip Sync by meh321 should deal with it.
*Currently, Aringoth’s post-quest Hello is a reverb-heavy “Hey!”. If anyone has any idea where this is from, please let me know.
*Version 2.0 is a pretty big jump from 1.6, because I changed a lot more in Dampened Spirits than in any of the other quests. Please bear with any bugs that crop up and do report them so I can fix them if it’s within my knowledge. Many thanks!
When you’re propositioned by Brynjolf, you will have the option to emphatically reject him (“No. I’m not interested, and I won’t ever be.”), which will shut down the Thieves’ Guild quest line for good. If you do accept his proposition, if you press him (“I don’t really want to send an innocent man to jail.”), he’ll change his tactics. And, if, after you’ve gone through with the scam—whether by the vanilla or alternate route—you have one last chance when he wraps up the job (“No. I’m not doing that again. Ever.”) to shut down the Thieves’ Guild quest line.
If Taking Care of Business is underway, you will have the option (“I heard you’re in trouble with the Thieves’ Guild.”) to cover your targets’ debts instead of extorting the money from them. They will consider this a favour and become friendly afterward. This will count toward your Thaneship, as well. (i.e. You can clear three out of the five favours required for Thaneship with this quest alone.) Or, you may make use of your speech skills to avoid having to blackmail anyone, or break or steal anything. Your targets still won’t be happy (and, of course, this won’t count as a favour) but at least you didn’t have to resort to outright crime!
If Taking Care of Business was resolved through extortion with any of the targets, once you complete Under New Management, you—in your new capacity as guildmaster—will be able to speak on behalf of the Thieves’ Guild (“No apologies, but the Thieves’ Guild is looking to rebuild some burnt bridges.”) and rebuild your relationship with them. This will not alter their disposition toward your the player, but neither did the original Taking Care of Business quest, so they should remain as acquaintances or friends, depending on if you’ve done a separate favour quest for them. What it will do, is remove their antagonistic greetings.
Moving on, when Brynjolf briefs you for Loud and Clear, you have the chance (“The Black-Briars, right? Why not try to keep the entire harvest?”) to convince him to let you spare the apiaries. And at Goldenglow itself, you have the option (“You just trust the Guild. Do right by us, and we’ll do right by you.”) to persuade Aringoth not to play nice. If you didn’t burn any of his hives, he’ll take it as a sign of good faith and you’ll automatically pass the speech check. And if you manage to pass the speech check, his mercenaries will no longer attack you on sight. Be careful, however; if you go back on your word and burn any hives down afterward, they’ll turn on you like the traitor you are.
And, finally (for now), as you go through Dampened Spirits, you get to show some actual defiance (“As long as we’re clear I’m here for the Guild, not for you.”) to Maven. On the ground at Honningbrew, you’ll have to do your job, but you have the chance (“If you’ll take my advice, I suggest you cancel the tasting.”) to save Sabjorn from jail. There is also extended dialogue for you to rat Mallus out or cut him loose (“You mentioned someone named Mallus?”) Ratting him out to Sabjorn will have him arrested, while cutting him loose will send him fleeing to Black-Briar Meadery in Riften. When you get back to Sabjorn, you’ll have multiple options available to get his dresser key off him—Mallus isn’t likely to be cooperative when he finds out you’ve double-crossed him, after all. If your Speech isn’t high enough, returning Sabjorn your pay for exterminating the vermin will always do the job. Rub your defiance in Mallus’ (“I did my part. The mead’s poisoned. It’s not my fault Sabjorn found out.”) and Maven’s (“Looks like Sabjorn cancelled the tasting. Whoops.”) faces, then let Brynjolf know (“Someone has to remind her we’re the Thieves’ Guild, not her lapdogs.”) you mean business.
Also, after you’ve settled in with the Thieves’ Guild—heard Vex, Delvin, and Tonilia’s introductions—Vex and Delvin will offer dialogue (“Let’s focus on a single city. Speed things along there.”) to focus the radiant jobs in a given city. You are able to toggle the visibility of this dialogue in the MCM. In the MCM, you can also toggle the ability to take all seven radiant jobs at once, as well as adjust the radiant job requirements for the trophies to appear on behind the Thieves’ Guild guildmaster’s desk in the Ragged Flagon’s cistern. In addition, you can reset Mjoll’s disposition toward you to discuss the Thieves’ Guild with her again, allowing you to tell her about your plans to join the Thieves’ Guild and change it from within. And, as a little extra, you can finish Tonilia’s introduction without mouthing off to her.
*There’s nothing stopping you from doing so, but please avoid disabling the ability to take all seven radiant jobs concurrently while you’re still on the jobs, as the required dialogue to complete them may not show correctly. Re-enabling the option should allow the dialogue to display correctly again.
For those of you without MCM:
setpqv TCBM_TGR
FocusRadiantsDialogue (true/false)
AllRadiantsConcurrent (true/false)
TrophiesStage1 (integer)
TrophiesStage2 (integer)
TrophiesStage3 (integer)
TrophiesStage4 (integer)
TrophiesStage5 (integer)
TrophiesStage6 (integer)
TrophiesStage7 (integer)
TrophiesStage8 (integer)