Training Limit Booster

Skyrim Mods |

Training Limit Booster

Makes it so you can train 100 times per level instead of 5 times a level, i made this for myself because i was sick of needing to train abilitys i didn’t want to use before using my gold to train, only took me a minute to make but it might be useful to somebody else

Some people have mentioned a Skyrim bug where if a NPC has more than 32k gold they will not give you gold when you sell to them, if this happens just open the console, click on the NPC and type “resetinventory” However, i tested this by giving an npc who was a merchant and a trainer 500,000 gold and this never happened to me.

Someone asked for me to make it so expert trainers could lv you to lv100 instead of the 90 default, so i made another version if you want that.

Author: TallTangent
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