Tropical Islands Recolored
A few changes to the mod created by Youk1. Stand-alone mod based on Youk’s “Tropical Islands.”
The worldspace is accessed through the trapdoor in the boat in Dawnstar.
Honestly, I haven’t changed much from the original. Water color, a little foliage, and some mudcrabs. I downloaded Youk’s mod because I wanted to get out of the cold once in a while and find a place where nobody wanted to murder me. Well, the tigers on the island still wanted to murder me, so I fixed that. But, looking around, I felt like the space needed a little more story. Some of the objects around the islands… they needed a reason to be there. Telling you my version of the story would probably ruin the experience, so I’d like you to explore and figure it out yourself. Maybe you’ll come up with a better story than I did.
I will say that the animals won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. They’re used to you by now.