Tweaks Crafting Recipes
This mod allows you to craft items found in the game files that are not available via any other means plus adds non-enchanted versions of guild / unique armor, clothing, jewelry and weapons.
MAJOR UPDATE, now including all items from all the 3 major DLC and the unique items from them.This is a touchless mod, there are no changes to any item or cell, it only adds recipes and items.
A vast array of new craftable items, rare weapons, armor, hoods, bugs in jars, clothing, ingot and ore, lockpicks ect ect..
Most items are “Quest Locked”. IE:You need to aquire the Nightingale Armor normally before you can craft its Replica. Replica weapons and armor have no enchantments so you can custom make what you like.
Any item named “Replica” is a new item and will be lost should you uninstall this mod.
The list of specific items is far too long to (nearly doubles the default games recipes).
All Replica armor now both come in Light and Heavy variants, they are identical in all ways other than the Light or Heavy armor keyword.
NOTES: The screen shots armor and damage values are based on my characters skills, they will not be the same for different characters with different skill levels. All “Replica” head and chest pieces provide warmth for Survival Mode.
This mod allows you to craft items found in the game files that are not available via any other means plus adds several versions of armor, clothing, jewelry and weapons that have a unique appearance but without the enchantments. For instance I loved the style of Nightingale armor but hated the enchants, I liked the Amulet of Articulation’s look but didn’t need that kind of boost, I was always running out of lockpicks and wished I could just craft some.
Many items are quest locked as in you must acquire the item via quest before you can create more.
Armor, weapons and jewelry are created at a forge
Clothing is create at a tanning rack (Nearly all clothing requires that you have a Linen Wrap on your person to be visible.)
Soulgems and ore / ingots are created at the smelter
Food and alchemical items are created at a cooking pot
-Plain Archmage’s Robes
-Plain Archmage’s Robes Hooded
-Plain Bone Crown
-Plain Helm of Yngol
-Plain Clavicus Vile Masque
-Plain Shield of Ysgramor
-Plain Targe
-Plain Psiijic Clothes Set
-Plain Greybeard’s Clothes Set
-Plain Black Mage Hood
-Plain Ebony Mail
-Plain Saving Hide
-Plain Hircine’s Ring
-Plain Namira’s Ring
-Plain Shrouded Armor Set
-Plain Brotherhood Clothes Set
-Plain Jester’s Clothes Set
-Plain Mask Of XXX (All 9 styles in both heavy and light versions)
-Plain Mystic Gloves
-Plain Jade Amulet
-Plain Jeweled Amulet (Elder Council Amulet)
-Plain Fragment Amulet
-Plain Articulation Amulet
-Plain Nightingale Armor Set
-Plain Thieves Guild Armor Set
-Plain Dark Thieves Guild Armor Set
-Plain White Thieves Guild Armor Set
-Plain Headless Necklace (Renders wearer headless!)
-Plain Rueful Axe
-Plain Volendrung
-Plain Mehrunes’ Razor
-Plain Ebony Blade
-Plain Dawnbreaker
-Plain Mace of Molag Bal
-Plain Rusty Mace
-Plain Blade of Woe
-Plain Giant Club
-Plain Keening
-Plain Nightingale Blade
-Plain Nightingale Bow
-Plain Chillrend
-Add or remove the hood from the Archmage’s Robes
-Guilded Wristguards
-Execution Hood (White)
-Execution Hood (Black)
-Emperor’s Robes
-Imperial Light Armor Set
-Stormcloak Officers Armor Set
-All Guard Armor (Only while in appropriate hold)
-Fur Armor Sets
-Blades Armor Set
-Companions Armor Set
-Elven Light Armor Set
-Falmer Armor Set
-Wedding Clothes Set
-All variations of Jarl Clothes (Lvl 40 and 1 Linen Wrap to see recipes)
-Unenchanted Novice Robes & Hood
-Unenchanted Apprentice Robes & Hood
-Unenchanted Adapt Robes & Hood
-Unenchanted Expert Robes
-Unenchanted Master Robes
-Practice Arrows
-Rusty Arrows
-Drainblood Battleaxe
-Drainspell Bow
-Drainheart Sword
-Headsman’s Axe
-Dragon Priest Dagger
-Woodcutter’s Axe
-Fork weapon
-Knife weapon
-Petty Soulgems from fragments
-Lesser Soulgems from Petty
-Common Soulgems from Lesser
-Greater Soulgems from Common
-Grand Soulgems from Greater
-Black Soulgems from Grand
-Leather from the unused Deer Pelt
-Imperial War Horn (Vanity Item)
-Nord War Horn (Vanity Item)
-10 Iron Ingots from 10 Iron Ore
-Iron Ore from Cast Iron Pots and Kettles
-Steel Ingots from Flagons
-Make Dwarven Ingots from Dwarven Cog, Dwarven Gear, Dwarven Gyro, Dwarven Lever, Dwarven Small Lever and Dwarven Scrap Metal
-Statue Of Dibella from Gold Ingots
-Powdered Mammoth Tusk from Mammoth Tusk
-Bonemeal from Skull / Horker Tusks
-Troll fat from Troll Skull
-*- MANY MORE -*-