Two handed sneak perk

Skyrim Mods |

Two handed sneak perk

Add two perk… two handed backstab (X3 sneak damage) and assassin two handed blade (X6 sneak damage)

this mod add two perk… two handed backstab and assassin’s heavy blade
I made 3 main file to separate the version…
– the weaker version: two handed backstab (x3 sneak damage) assassin’s heavy blade (x4 sneak damage)
– the middle ground version: two handed backstab (x3 sneak damage) assassin’s heavy blade (x6 sneak damage)
-the stronger version: two handed backstab (x4 sneak damage) assassin’s heavy blade (x6 sneak damage)

note: I made a link between the perk two handed backstab and deadly aim, so dont need to pickup backstab (the one handed perk) to get deadly aim!

I took those number to keep the game balance while giving a boost to those wanting to do better sneak damage with two handed weapons.
-it works with every two handed melee weapons (warhammer, axes and greatsword)
-work with two handed weapons from any other mods
-work with dance of death (need more confirmation for this one) not sure about it
-great for samourai, ninja and any playstyle to come with…

free ads: I use it with Two-handed rebalance mod witch is really great… those two mod together make two handed playing verry nice.

Author: gaboury
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