Unbelievable Grass 2 Redux
This is a rework and update to the Unbelievable Grass 2 mod. Adds many grasses (with a high variety) to the different regions of Skyrim. The grasses were carefully choosen to fit the different regions. It was build on a tweak for better performance, while still providing high grass density.
This is the official continuation and a complete rework/overhaul of Unbelievable Grass Two. This mod adds many grasses (with a high variety) to the different regions of Skyrim. The grasses were carefully choosen to fit the different regions. It was build on a tweak for better performance, while still providing high grass density. Just take a look at the screenshots for exact changes and look of Skyrims landscape with this mod. The mod contains its own .ini file and will force the settings into the game, no more need to change any ini settings. If you still want to change grass density take a look further down under “installation”. Textures are 2k and 1k and were optimized for performance. Also supports Solstheim.
Pretty easy. Simply install the mod with a mod manager and enable the UG2redux.esp
The mod includes its own .ini files with the required settings, so you won’t need to do any additional .ini editing. If you want to change grass density, open the ug2redux.ini file and change iMinGrassSize=58 to a higher number for better performance, but less density or to a lower number for higher density (which I wouldn’t recommend, since the settings in the ini are already set for high grass density).
Files: UG2redux.bsa, UG2redux.esp and UG2redux.ini
While this mod was build with a performance tweak, it doesn’t mean that this mod won’t have an impact on your performance. It will absolutely affect it, especially on low iMinGrassSize settings. It will also highly depend on your system, ENB and the settings you’re using for this mod.
This mod is compatible with almost all mods; except with other grass mods. If you want to use Skyrim Flora Overaul with this, simply install this mod after SFO and load it after SFO in your load order, so it can overwrite some changes from SFO.
The grass fix from the previous version was merged with the main file and does edit alot of places to prevent ugly grass clipping. There are still alot of location were you may encounter some clipping, which will be fixed with further updates. Altough the mod does edit some places it should be compatible with everything. If you use mods that add alot of objects to the landscape of Skyrim make sure to load the esp files after UG2redux.esp.
elinen for the hoddminir grass resource
vurt for Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Josh Ezzell for Unique Grasses and Groundcovers