Uncapped Perks Unofficial Update
Bugfix for Uncapped Perks by Liberta
Unofficial Bugfix for Liberta’s “Uncapped Perks”.
As of 1.03 this bugfix is now incompatible with the original mod. You should ONLY use this one.
Uncapped Perks Rebalanced (WIP)
I expect to complete 1-3 perk trees per day, but due to the nature of my daily habits, and the constant crashing of Creation Kit, this is subject to change.
When complete, a new mod post will be made.
The Warrior
Smithing = N/A. I have decided not to do anything due to the planned late-game buffs in armor and weapons.
Heavy Armor = 100% – Tested, working as intended.
Block = 100% – Untested
Two-Handed = 80%
One-Handed = 20%
Archery = 0%
The Thief
Light Armor = 0%
Sneak = 0%
Lockpicking = N/A Under Review
Pickpocket = 0%
Speech = 0%
Alchemy = 0%
The Mage
Illusion = 0%
Cjavascript-event-stripped 0%
Destruction = 0%
Restoration = 0%
Alteration = 0%
Enchanting = 0%
Misc. Bugfixes & Changes so far:
– Added ranks to a couple of previously lacking perks
– Fixed bleeding inconsistensies with Iron and Orcish axes
– Added bleeding for axes made from dragonbone
Latest version 1.03
v1.03 Changes:
-Fixed a stage of ‘Skullcrusher’ having an invalid requirement
-Fixed ‘Tower of Strength’ to be compatible with accessory mods
-Fixed a stage of ‘Tower of Strength’ having an invalid requirement
-Fixed Dual Flurry showing incorrect values
-Merged the Combat+Stealth module with Magical Module(First time merging a .esp, please report any bugs you find!)
v1.02 Changes:
-Fixed remaining stages of Assassin’s Blade
v1.01 Changes:
-Fixed Juggernaut
-Fixed Assassin’s Blade
Designed to complement Elys Uncapper, this mod adds stronger perk ranks available at skill levels over 100 and up to 300.
It is recommended you adjust your uncapper.ini file to a setting that compliments a skill cap at 300 e.g. by tripling your experience rate and increasing the amount of perk points per level.
Elys Uncapper
Skyrim Script Extender
Manual Installation (Not recommended):
Copy Uncapped Perks Merged.esp into your Skyrim data folder and activate it in your mod list.
Automatic Installation (Recommended):
Install with Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer.
Delete the Uncapped Perks Merged.esp files from your data folder.
Incompatible with any mods that change perks such as SPERG, SkyRe, and Perkus Maximum.
No compatibility patches will be made, due to me not using any of these.