USE-ME – Ultimate Skyrim Experience – Maximum Edition
This ‘ultimate overhaul’ is the culmination of all of my projects, a number of plugins that unite some of the greatest mods developed for Skyrim as seamlessly as possible. This page is a work in progress and will be updated regularly as I release new projects and gather additional information.
NOTE: The files hosted on this page require Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, USKP, and any other files mentioned in the requirements section(s).
This page is intended to provide information for, as well as links to, all of my projects, intended for use as a total Skyrim overhaul. Though at this time, the majority of the works I’ve completed are reliant on Requiem – The Roleplaying Overhaul, I’ve plans to segregate some of my works from Requiem in the future.
So you’ve come to the hub of my modding projects, have you? This page is to be a continual work in progress, as it will likely need be updated much more often than any of my others; to be expected, considering its purpose. At long last, I give you my Ultimate Skyrim Experience – Maximum Edition.
(No, I really couldn’t resist using that acronym.)
Ultimate Skyrim Experience – Maximum Edition is to be a comprehensive overhaul of Skyrim, ensuring an immersive and consistent gameplay experience that can be as brutal and unforgiving as one would expect the Frozen North to be, while ensuring that things stay relatively balanced and entertaining enough to feel rewarding. For the most part, as of my writing this, the experience revolves rather heavily around Requiem, excepting my Weather and Ambience Overhaul, which provides the mix with a great deal of atmosphere.
Eventually, this page will host a proper modular compilation of all of my works; “USE-ME” in its completest form. For the time being, I’ll be using it to amass for my users the wealth of information involved in using them in combination, as well as links to their respective pages. Anyone who is familiar with my projects knows that this will, indeed, take some time, but I’ll do my best to remain diligent and keep it up-to-date.
So what all does it consist of? Right now, USE-ME encompasses Requiem with my three major patches (Requiem Survival Experience, Crafting Overhaul Reqtified, and Kryptopyr’s Fixes Reqtified) and my Weather and Ambience Overhaul. For those who opt not to use C/COR, Cloaks for Requiem offers cloaks compatibility. In the Files section, users can find additional plugins I’ve made that I’ve not yet released elsewhere.
That’s quite a list I just made there, so let’s have a little breakdown of what these things actually do.
So now that you know what USE-ME is about. My work is to make all of these things work together for you with the least effort possible, but to do that, you have to work with me. We’ll now have a quick breakdown of the rest of this page. Below is a section for each of my current projects. In each section, you’ll find the details for the requirements and an abridged guide for installing that specific work; much more detail can be found on the respective mod pages, accessible by the link at the beginning of the section.
After this, you will find a section regarding the full experience, giving a quick breakdown of the install process, followed by with not only load order and recommended MCM settings, but a lengthy ‘Redundancy List’, which is a list of plugins you no longer need if using my work. Below that lies a section for my recommended mods, with an equally thorough article that will guide you through installing USE-ME along with all of those mods. Last, but certainly not least, you’ll find the credits, and a short list of other mods I would recommend that don’t quite fit into this compilation.
So.. Let’s take it from the top.
WAO is a plugin that unites a number of the best weather and ambient sounds mods for Skyrim. One of the most powerful and versatile weather systems created yet combines beautifully with a broad range of ambient audio to create an all-new level of atmosphere.
KFR is a carefully revised plugin that combines many of the various fixes to items that Kryptopyr included in her fix mods, and integrates a number of her optional fixes as well, customized for use with Requiem’s unleveled game world and granting a much-needed level of consistency to items one encounters.
RSE is a combination patch that seamlessly integrates various survival-related features for Requiem, involving everything from camping and hypothermia, to hunting and scrimshaw, and, of course, needs and diseases, all rolled into one package.
COR is a revamped plugin that rebalances crafting recipes, followering Kryptopyr’s crafting ideals while retaining Requiem’s perk requirements and extending these requirements to encompass many other newly craftable items, as well as offering some custom functionality with certain new recipes.
CFR amounts to a number of patches that make the two major cloaks mods for Skyrim entirely compatible and balanced for use with Requiem. This file is not needed if using my Crafting Overhaul Reqtified, mentioned above.
Here is a short but sweet list of installation instructions for USE-ME. The related mods are indicated in brackets next to each step.
Spoiler: Show
I recommend using LOOT as a starting point. You may need to arrange some metadata or even do a bit of manual sorting to get things just right. Below, I have a reference load order for the required files (with the related mod indicated in brackets next to the plugin). I highly recommend loading most of my patches very near the bottom of your load order; WAO, particularly, I suggest loading after any mod that contains cell edits, as it carries a lot of cell data to ensure that audio and lighting changes take effect.
For reference, here is the related load order that I would use, personally (if my laptop wasn’t a laptop). This is the order the masters are sorted in, but isn’t explicitly required. That said, if you’re experiencing CTDs, you’re missing one of these files, most likely.
It won’t suit every setup, but generally, you can load stuff in that order for best results.
The following (WAO-related) optional plugins need to be loaded after WAO, or merged. (If merged as a new file, load after WAO, just to be sure.)
Don’t use the Climates of Tamriel Dungeons or Interiors with lighting mods, they generally aren’t compatible.
The following patches are resolved (and made unnecessary) by my patches (with the specific patch listed in brackets next to the plugin), or its lighting editions (so don’t load them!):
Make sure they aren’t active in your load order.
Additionally, if using WAO’s compatibility patch(es), there may be additional plugins you won’t require:
Please note, again, that the original mods are the property of their respective authors and these works are ‘only’ patches. You must use the listed requirements and my patches do not contain all the contents of any of the originals.
Suggested MCM settings for related mods. [To be updated soon; I’ve yet to load up Skyrim again to go through my MCM setup.]
For starters, enable everything. If there’s a box you can check, check it (except the compatibility page).
Pelt values – Default
Material yield – Moderate or Conservative
Meat yield – Conservative or Single Cut
Knives at Merchants – Common or Uncommon
Disable ‘re-weigh vanilla meat’
Disable hunter’s caches (Optional; I like them.)
Be sure to SET YOUR HOTKEYS! It’s much more immersive and much less troublesome.
Realistic Needs and Diseases
Disable RND’s eating animations if using the Animations mod.
Disable travel gear in favor of Frostfall’s.
Minty’s Lightning during Thunderstorms: [WAO]
Enable hostile fork lightning.
Set Frequency of both lightning types to 50.
At this time, the different parts of USE-ME don’t have too much in the way of compatibility issues, except where obvious; WAO, for example, isn’t compatible with weather mods I’ve not mentioned here (or that it doesn’t offer lighting editions/patches for), and my Requiem patches aren’t compatible, with other overhauls like PerMa or SkyRe. For other mods..