Vicn Creature Pack
Creature Resources
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Creature List
DB:Dragonborn, DG:Dawnguad, HF:Hearthfires
(): Base Creature
* : Require Addtional Credits
Dagi—————–(Riekling, DB)
Dreugh————–(Dragon Priest)
Fat Dragon———(Dragon, DB)
Horshoe Crab——(Chicken, DB)
Jellyfish————(Netch, DB)
Snow Goblin——-(Falmer, DG)
Wanderer———-(Riekling, DB)
Mushroom Skeever——-(Skeever)
Mushroom Spider———(Spider)
Falmer Variation
Falmer Chagohod——(Boar, DB)
Falmer Giant———–(Giant)
Falmer Brute———–(Troll)
Falmer Little———–(Riekling, DB)
Falmer Master———-(Dragonpriest, DG)
Falmer Sentinel——–(Gargoyle, DG)
Troll Variation
Homo—————(Draugr, DB)
Bloodsucker Fish—-(Slaughterfish, DB)
Cave Worm———-(Chaurus, DG)
Chaurus Larva——-(Horker, DG)
Great Chaurus——-(Dragon)
Little Shellbug——-(Chicken, DG)
Scorpion————–(Spider, DG)
Silt Strider———–(Mammoth, DG)
Silt Strider Baby—–(Boar, DG)
Child of Oblivion———-(Dragon Priest)
Cursed Doll—————-(Ice Wraith,HF)
Daedra Giant—————(Giant)
Ebony Giant—————-(Giant)
Ebony King—————–(Giant)
Ebony Knight————–(Human)
Ebony Priest—————(Dragon Priest)
Greymarch—————–(Giant, Human, Dragon Priest)
Hermaeus Mora Young—-(Storm Atronach, DB)
Little Shoggoth————(Skeever, DB)
Little Shoggoth fly——–(Ice Wraith, DB)
Magic Broom—————(Chicken)
Mimic Book————–(Ice wraith)
Mimic Chest————–(Werewolf)
Namira Apostle————(Dragon Priest)
Namira Apostle Worm—–(Horker)
Mobile Mara Statue——–(Wisp Mother)
Shoggoth——————–(Werewolf, DB)
Shoggoth Mother*———-(Wisp Mother, DB)
Benthic Variation
Benthic Angler——-(Slaughterfish, DB)
Benthic Hound——-(Wolf, DB)
Benthic Hunter——-(Werewolf, DB)
Benthic Milli———-(Riekling, DB)
Benthic Nigri———(Falmer, DB)
Benthic Shaman——(Draugr, DB)
Dwarven Automaton
Dwarven BigDog————(Horse)
Dwarven Charger———–(Boar, DB)
Dwarven Droid————–(Flame Atronach)
Dwarven Eggman———–(Chicken)
Dwarven Empress———–(Wisp Mother)
Dwarven Eyebot————(Ice Wraith)
Dwarven Gargoyle———(Gargoyle, DLC1:Dawnguard)
Dwarven Gynoid*————(Human)
Dwarven Keeper———–(Giant)
Dwarven Miner————-(Frost Atronach)
Dwarven Old Worker——(Falmer)
Dwarven Page————–(Riekiling, DLC3:Dragonborn)
Dwarven Punisher———-(Werewolf)
Dwarven Ripper————(Spriggan)
Dwarven Smasher———-(Troll)
Dwarven Sweeper———-(Storm Atronach)
Dwarven Trooper———–(Human)
Dwarven Tyrant————(Dragon)
Dwarven Worker———–(Draugr)
Dwarven Worm————-(Chaurus)
Ash Giant————-(Giant, DB)
Ash Digger————(Riekling, DB)
Ash Eater————-(Gargoyle, DG,DB)
Ash Hunch————(falmer, DB)
Ash Runner———–(Chicken, DB)
Flame Fairy———-(Riekling, DB)
Flame Gargoyle—–(Gargoyle, DG)
Flame Lurker——–(Werewolf)
Flame Lord———–(Human)
Flame Queen———(Wisp Mother)
Flame Storm———-(Storm Atronach)
Flame Spirit———-(Ice Wraith)
Frost Anomaly——–(Storm Atronach, DG)
Frost Knight———–(Gargoyle, DG)
Frost Lurker———–(Werewolf, DG)
Frost Lord————-(Steam Centurion, DG)
Frost Spirit————(Ice Wraith, DG)
Golem—————–(Troll, DB)
Golem Giant———-(Giant, DB)
Great Wisp Mother—(Dragon)
Mr.Mush—————(Chicken, DB)
Mrs.Mush————–(Giant, DB)
Spriggan Mistress—–(Flame Atronach)
Spriggan Missy——–(Riekling, DB)
Storm Fairy———–(Riekling, DB)
Storm Spirit———–(Ice Wraith, DB)
Human Face Spiders——(Spider)
Witch Head————–(ice Wraith)
Bone Falmer———-(Falmer)
Bone Horss————(Horse)
Bone Hound———–(Wolf)
Bone Looper———-(Chaurus)
Bone Lord————-(Dragon Priest)
Bone Spirits———–(Ice Wraith)
Bone Storm———–(Storm Atronach)
Bone Strider———-(Mammoth)
Bone Wheel———–(Dwarven Sphere)
Little Skeleton——-(Riekling, DB)
Shambles————–(Frost Atronach)
Shambles Lord——–(Dwarven Steam Centurion)
Skeleton Champion—(Human)
Skeleton Demon——(Human)
Skeleton Giant——–(Giant)
Necro Spider————-(Spider)
Flesh Dragon———-(Dragon)
Flesh Grinder———(Werewolf)
Flesh Spirits———–(Ice Wraith)
Flesh Splatter———(Storm Atronach)
Draugr Variation
Ascended Lawmage——(Dragon Priest, DB)
Ascended Sleeper———(Hagraven, DB)
Ash Ghoul—————–(Dragugr, DB)
Defective Lich————(Dragon)
Draugr Doggy————-(Wolf)
Draugr Giant————-(Giant)
Draugr Little————-(Riekling, DB)
Draugr Matron———–(Spriggan)
Draugr Brute————-(Troll)
Draugr Wrapped———(Horker)
Gargoyle Variation
Optional Files
Sample plugins of Creature Pack.
Dwarven Doll Followers
Add Five Dwarven dolls as followers.
Add creatures of this pack in DLC Area.
Hello Dagi
Add two Dagi Followers at Riverwood.
Specialized Weapon Collection
Add Giantsword, Rapier, Parrying dagger, Shotel in leveled list and craft list.