Vivid Landscapes – Dungeons and Ruins
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-enhances dungeons and ruins with parallax depth effect
-works with & without ENB
-only a very small loss in performance (parallaxmaps are in 512)
This mod is an overhaul of nordic dungeons and ruins, it adds a set of textures and – more important
– a set of edited meshes enhanced with parallax depth-effect.
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First I have to thank raiserfx and gizmomzig for their kindness to give permission for usage of their textures and meshes.
This mod just wouldn’t exist if I had to make all texture AND reedit the meshes all alone.
It was nice to have their high quality textures as a base to work with.
The parallax files itself are small textures (mostly in size 512) and shouldn’t imply a noticeable performance drop.
– ENB is NOT compulsory needed
-If you install ENB-version, make sure “bDeferredShadows=1” in your SkyrimPrefs.ini and “FixParallaxBugs=true” in your enblocal.ini are set.
-since v1.8 a set of stronger parallax-maps for ENB users are incorporated.
Probably slightest distortions while slow movements are visible, nothing game-breaking and considering the improved depth/realism totally worth it.
-Sorry the constant changes
fortunately for us Boris improves ENB-parallax-coding continuously, outdoors seems nearly finished.
Newer ENB’s can handle much stronger hightmaps, will update my other mods soon…
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In simple words, parallax is a advancement of normalmapping…
though the depth-information doesn’t get simply “drawn” on the surface, it rather warps
the texture itself in the desired direction.
You can imagine the parallax-texture as kind of radar map like the NASA ones from Venus.
The depth effect can get triangulated out of it.
It is not as sophisticated as high end Tessellation and a much older technique, but still nice 🙂
further Credits:
and SparrowPrince
for the compatibility meshes