Wheezes Dungeon Pack 1
Adds 4 radiant story enabled dungeons to skyrim. Entire development process streamed on my channel: www.twitch.tv/wheeze202
This is a dungeon pack made by me.
There are 4 dungeons all in all that I have put alot of work and passion into. They are all radiant story enabled meaning the game will occasionally generate quests which have their objectives set in these dungeons. This way you can download the mod and, in it’s own little way, it will improve the skyrim experience just by that much 🙂
Sounds of Skyrim – Dungeons (skyrimnexus version)
The Den of Vuspyre
The Alyed Mysteries
–Dungeons are as following:
Beldhar Gap:
A cave between Falkreath and Helgen. This cave has barely been touched by humanoids for hundreds of years and has overgrown due to the amount of sunlight being let in. Who knows what this cave might uncover.
Necrothius Cavern:
A icy underground necromancer hideout. A group of necromancers have been hiding in this cave for a couple of years. The lack of necromancers in skyrim truly begs the question: what in the nine divines could they be doing down there ?
Stormgrad Heights:
A large tomb for ancient nord heroes. The final resting place for 3 Great nord heroes and the soldiers who followed them.
Gleamstone Trove:
An abandoned moonstone mine that has been occupied by a group of bandits. They use the scaffolding pre-made and the sheer depth of the mine to keep a good defense.
–Update Log:
I found out that I accidentally edited scripts that effected some spellcasters and various water objects. I have undone these modifications. This MIGHT be the problem to all the crashing.
Please report in the comment section if you are still having these troubles.
Removed a door located in riverwood that I used as a placeholder exit for stormgrad heights.
Some chests had an incorrect rotation
A trap was already set off when the player enters the dungeon. Now fixed.
Necromancers in Necrothius Cavern now don’t burn to death with the fire damage from the campfires.
Fixed the easter egg message. People were thinking they found the 60$ easter egg.
Full public release
–Final words:
This pack took exactly 1 month to create. I worked on it every day. And every single hour was streamed on my channel.
I could not have done this without my twitch channel and my viewers. So please check us out and hopefully join this little community we have created 🙂 (link below)
TheBeardedFool – Beta tester
My twitch.tv viewers – I cannot thank them enough. And there are too many to remember and write down.
EASTER EGG FOUND – It is in the picture where it says “Wheeze’s Dungeon Pack #1”
It’s in dragon language and says: You found the easter egg. Add wheeze on steam.