Whiterun Expanded Interior V11
Whiterun Expanded Interior v1.1 Adds more Details to the Town of Whiterun Also contains a Version without the Pine Trees
Whiterun Expanded V1.1
Expands the Town of Whiterun with vegetation for a town in the tundra:
Please Note: There are 2 different File Versions for Download:
One Version with Trees (WhiterunExpandedInteriorV11)
One Version without Trees (WhiterunExpandedInteriorNoTressV11)
-Boreal Trees (not contained in Version NoTrees)
-Tundra Shrub
-Tundra Flowers
This mod is NOT compatible with any other mod, which changes,adds or modifies Objects in Whiterun, especially big objects like trees, houses. Please give comments about any problems, you witness, crashes or any other incompatibilites you witness. thank you!
Whiterun looks now much more detailed concerning foliage. Feel free for comments.