Xvision Playable Child Races
Adds five playable child races for use with Xvision Children – Redone by bugsbugme. I also modified
every armor add-on so that they all can be used by these new races. Require Skyrim and all 3 DLCs and Xvsision Children – Redone by BugsBugMe (original mod by Bagserk)
Since neither Bagserk or BugsBugMe have released a playable version of the great mod Xvision Children. I decided to make it myself. I did not make the mod Xvision Children. All credit goes to Bagserk for all his hard work and BugsBugMe for his hard work on the Xvision Children Redone mod.
Includes 5 New Races:
*Breton Child
*Breton Child Vampire
*Imperial Child
*Nord Child
*Redguard Child
If you use Racemenu mod, disable racemenuplugin.esp. This plugin causes
problems with scaling and the children turn out shorter than intended.
I have also modified all the armor addons for vanilla Skyrim and all 3 DLCs to work with these new races.
Farm clothes, Merchant Clothes, Barkeep Clothes, Chef Clothes, Fine Clothes, Monk Robes,
all college robes including archmage, mythic dawn robes, psijic robes, cultist robes, telvanni robes,
temple robes, greybeard robes, mourner clothes, prisoner clothes, beggar clothes, dunmer
clothes, dark brotherhood robes and many more.
Iron, Hide, Studded, Steel, all Imperial, all town guard armor, Leather, Falmer and Heavy Falmer,
Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Steel Plate, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragonplate, Dragonbone, Dawnguard,
Vampire, Stahlrim, Nordic, Chitin, Marong Tang, Bandit, Bonemold, Wolf Armor, Thieves Guild
Armor, Dark Brotherhood Armor and more.
All vanilla jewelry including those added in Dawnguard and Dragonborn.
Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn
Xvision Children – Redone by BugsBugMe