Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX Overhaul
This mod adds around 12 hours of lore-friendly Dark Folk (Nordic) and Dark Ambient music to the game with some complimentary sound effects. There is a section in the description to listen to many tracks from this mod to get a feeling for the style.
This mod adds around 12-13 hours of lore-friendly Dark Folk (nordic) and Dark Ambient music to the game with some sound effects.
The mod wouldn’t be possible without the help and permission from the artists!
If you like this mod, please don’t forget to endorse it and also support the artists!
This mod adds around 12 hours of lore-friendly Dark Folk (Nordic) and Dark Ambient music to the game with some complimentary sound effects
Unlike most other music mods, this mod will change the style of the music to a completely different one. All music tracks have been edited/mixed to fit perfectly into the game.
The Sound/FX Module (optional) changes the User interface sounds to fit better with the new music style unlike the Music Module it replaces the vanilla user interface sounds. This affects the following sounds: New game, Intro music, High Hrothgar discover, Location discover, Location reveal, Reward, New Quest / Update / Objectives, Rollover sounds, Select / De-select, Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Word Wall Whisper, Word Wall / Shout learn, Perk select, Spell select.
Bonus: Silence Nirnroot and Sneak Attack.
Recommened volume settings for music:
With True 3D Sound for Headphones / 60-75%.
Without True 3D Sound for Headphones / 70%+
Version for Special Edition available here.
Use your mod manager or download and copy the music/sound folder to your Skyrim data folder.
Combat music fix for “low threat” enemies.
Main Menu Replacer painting by Nuare Studio (copyrights Bethesda/Zenimax)
For Twitch Streamers and Youtubers:
Do not use this mod while you stream or record videos or you lose monetization on your content!
Due to the Copyright Policy Youtube puts ads on content and redirect monetization to the copyright owners (music bands and record labels).