YY Anim Replacer – Mystic Knight
This mod replaces one-handed sword and magic animations. Designed to fit a character with a sword in one hand, a magic in the other, such as Spellsword, Battle Mage or Mystic Knight, or pure Mage. If you want to make your character relaxed and self-confident like Sercerer and Warlock, maybe this mod is a bit different from you\’re looking for.
I’m happy to share my new mod with you.
This mod replaces one-handed sword and magic animations.
Designed to fit a character with a sword in one hand, a magic in the other, such as Spellsword, Battle Mage or Mystic Knight, or pure Mage.
If you want to make your character relaxed and self-confident like Sercerer and Warlock, maybe this mod is a bit different from you’re looking for.
Perfectly seamless animations
Neutral gender animation, suited for both of male and female character*
Pseudo-waving cloak
*I’ve heard many people think walking and running animation are feminine. I must take back my word to be fair. I’ll try to make masculine version.
See this video, you can figure out instantly:
Momo Acrobatic Jump v1-8 by xp32 (Probably, due to modified behaviors)
Q & A:
Q. Compatible with BBP?
-No. But you may use.
Q. Can be applied to male/female character only?
-Yes. Use FNIS’ “GENDER specific animations” option. But I won’t provide any supports to trouble caused by using FNIS.
Q. Can be applied to Player Character only?
-Yes. Use FNIS and PCEA. But I won’t provide any supports.
Q. I liked a few animations of this mod, and I won’t use the others.
Q. I want to mix animations from several mods and customize the style.
-[NMM user]
Tick only you want to use at installation wizard.
-[Manual customize]
Download by manual, open the archive and pick the files you like.
Need help? This video may help you distinguish the files.
[NMM user]
NMM ready package with install wizard.
[Manual Install]
Copy Data folder to your Skyrim directory.
[NMM user]
Simply uncheck this mod on NMM.
Delete the files you installed.
Known Issues:
[Critical Issues]
None. This mod is a pure replacer, therefore basically bug-free. Never cause CTD.
If you see T-pose or multiple hit by one swing, IT IS NOT THIS MOD’S FAULT.
If you find other weird behaviors, please report at forum. Showing pics or videos would be greatly appreciated.
[Minor Issues]
-Character’s neck teeters just after cast a magic while moving.
-Character doesn’t look straight when sneaking with two-handed weapon.
-Finger snap sound is not played properly as intended.
Future Plan:
(Priority order, descending)
-Add more manly version
-Add Dual cast anim for buff
-Tweak waving cloak of all anim
-Add staff anim
-Add true turn anim for magic
-Add Master spell anim for male
-Add power attack anim of one-handed melee weapon
-Add Lightning Storm anim